It is thetraining designed on the basis of requests from groups of teachersbelonging to the same department or center, and who wish to respond to a specific problem by means of training action. The demand can be integrated in the institutional approaches or arise from the reflection of a teaching group.
The training, which each center or department deems necessary, should berequest by the responsible or coordinating personnelby means of a poli[Sol-licita]. and attaching the completed application form.
Once the form is received by ICE, all aspects of the action will be established, agreeing on the terms of collaboration, which may range from technical advice and advice on the design of the training action to the payment of the trainers.
The acceptance or rejection of the training proposal will be notified no later than 10 working days after the request is made.. Except for holidays and vacation periods established by the university.
The center promoting the activity will be responsible for finding the facilities and material (photocopies, computer equipment, dossiers, etc.), as well as for the pertinent dissemination;ICE will issue the corresponding electronic certificates.