The DEXFOL is a UPV’s own degree, aimed at all its students.teaching and research staffwhose purpose is to train teachers to program, develop and evaluate training actions through the network with certain criteria of quality and effectiveness. It consists of15 ECTS (375 hours) distributed in 5 subjects, core and compulsory, of 3 ECTS each:

  • Pedagogical bases and educational platforms for online training.
  • Development of educational materials.
  • Technological resources to support teaching.
  • Monitoring of individual and collaborative work through educational platforms.
  • The evaluation of online training.

The degree is taught entirely online through the PoliformaT platform.

Program objectives

  • Apply pedagogical methods and techniques to program, implement and evaluate online training actions.
  • To develop the didactic programming and tutoring of the online training actions previously designed.

I inform you that you can request the CONVALIDATION of the subjects of the Title of the Expert Diploma in Online Training (DEXFOL), until February 10, 2025.

To do this, you must fill out the attached application and send it to the following email address:

For frequently asked questions and to find out how to request the issuance of the title, you can consult the section of FAQ of the DEXFOL