This space encourages your initiative and your active participation in training. It is the opportunity to develop your didactic skills, become the protagonist of your learning and contribute to the integral formation of your colleagues through different modalities.

As a student, you can tell us what topics you would like to address and we will support you throughout the process: in the design of the training action, in the dissemination and/or creation of resources, among others…


Develop the ability to explain to peers and share experiences.


Resource Creation

It can be a video (not too long) explaining a process.


Face-to-face or online, on a specific topic.

Talks, round tables, etc.

Organize events

A conference, a specific congress on Final Degree Project (TFG) or Master’s Final Project (TFM), etc.

Other possibilities

what can you tell us…

The ICEoffers technical support from the beginning of the proposal so that the applicant has good results and, at the same time, acquires security and confidence in the initiative. Depending on the modality, you can count on the service of the  GREMof ICE.

To apply generates a Poly[Sol-licite]. with the description of your proposal, we will evaluate it shortly and contact you to organize it and offer the technical support it requires.