Select the service you need more information about
What is it and who is it for?
It is an ICE own title, called “Diploma de Experto en Formación Online (DEXFOL), which is aimed at all teachers who wish to be trained in the programming, development and evaluation of training activities through the network with certain criteria of quality and effectiveness. It consists of 15 ECTS. For more information, please visit the web.
How to apply for the issuance of the title?
Once the 15 ECTS have been passed, a Poly[Consultation] must be sent to ICE, selecting the option “ICE’s own degrees” – Diploma de Experto en Formación On Line (DEXFOL), and it must be attached:
- Copy of valid ID card.
- Copy of the university degree held.
For any clarification, doubts or questions, please contact the ICE Secretariat by e-mail at
How to apply for validations?
The participation of the faculty in the institutional project of Networked Teaching makes possible the validation of the following subjects:
- Development of multimedia resources for teaching: MOOCs;
- Development of multimedia resources for teaching: polimedias.
- Development of multimedia resources for teaching: screencast videos;
- Educational podcasting: techniques and tools;
- Pedagogical structure of online materials: creation and organization of contents with the PoliformaT editor;
Likewise, courses that have been taken as part of the ICE TEACHER TRAINING PLAN and the Diploma of Expert in University Pedagogy (DEXPU) can also be validated;
In all cases, validations will be requested, once enrolled in the DEXFOL within the established deadlines;
Who is DEXPU aimed at?
The Diploma of Expert in University Pedagogy (DEXPU) is aimed at teaching and research staff of the UPV with teaching experience at the university, mainly: teaching assistants, hired doctors and associates and all those teachers who want to be a teaching professional. Information on the web.
When is the call for applications expected to be issued?
The calls are biannual, see the information of the current call on the web
How to apply for the issuance of the DEXPU certificate?
When you have passed the 20 ECTS that the diploma consists of, as established in the syllabus, you must request the issuance of the same. On the ICE website you will find the link to Poli[Consulta], select “Títulos propios
ICE” – Diploma de Experto en Pedagogía Universitaria (DEXPU), you must attach: Copy of valid ID card and copy of the university degree;
How do I enroll in the DEXPU?
Through the intranet, entering the Portal of Continuous and Permanent Training, in the period established for each edition.
Teaching evaluation
Should the survey be passed to faculty in practice groups?
According to the IAD manual, the survey is universal. Teaching is evaluable in semester and annual subjects, regardless of the type of subject taught, as well as the type of teaching (theory, practical, laboratory).
In order to achieve greater representativeness and not duplicate information (if it is the same students), the survey will be passed in priority in classroom theory, with the following exceptions:1) When a teacher teaches exclusively the practical part of the subject. 2) When he/she has more weight in his/her teaching load in practices than in classroom theory. In these two cases the survey must be passed exclusively in the practical activities.
In any case, the planning of the faculty survey pass is the work of each ERT, so any questions regarding the planned passes should be consulted with the manager or manager of survey pass of the ERT, which is always part of the management team of the center or master where the subject is taught. If you do not know who it is, you can consult with us:
In which cases should the survey be passed on to the faculty?
Provided that the requirements established in the IAD Manual in terms of representativeness and number of credits taught are met, so that all UPV teaching staff with assigned POD, teaching at least one credit in the same subject and group, and provided that the sample is representative, with a minimum of 5 surveys per subject and group.
How do teachers know which surveys will be passed on to them?
Entering your intranet, where you can view your surveys and survey results.There you can see the status of your surveys: If they have been published, in case you have to report an error to the manager before they are activated, or if they are already activated in their various states: pending if it is activated but the deadline has not yet started so that it can be opened in the classroom, in process so that you can open it when you consider it, closed when you have already opened it and the students have answered it and finalized when the deadline established by the manager has expired when you could open it.
No survey has been planned, what should the faculty do?
You should contact the person in charge of the survey pass in the management team of your center or master’s degree, who is the one who manages the survey passes to be carried out. If you do not know who it is, you can consult with us:
Where can faculty members consult the procedure for passing the surveys to their students?
You can consult it in the same page where you see these FAQS, in internal regulations – faculty.
When are the results of your surveys visible to teachers?
Two official publications are established, one at the end of the first four-month period and the other for the entire course.
All teaching staff are informed by email when they are available on the intranet.
Where can I see the results of my surveys?
You can access these results through your INTRANET, in the section: TEACHING/RESULTS/STUDENT OPINION SURVEYS.
When can survey results for an academic year be certified?
Once the final publication of that course is made in September. Until then, only the results of the previous courses can be certified.
Where can teachers download the certificate with the results of their surveys?
On your intranet, where you access your survey results, you will see an orange button where you can download it.
If what you want is to certify the merits for presentation in the ACADEMY/PEP program of Aneca, you can download the certificate in your intranet, within the section Research/Senia/Certificate Merits program ACADEMY/PEP of Aneca.
What do teachers who do not visualize the results of surveys do?
If you are faculty and you have access to the results screen on the Intranet, but the course that appears by default in the course drop-down window is not the current course, it may be because you do not have survey results for that course. If you do not have access to the main results screen, you may not have results for any academic year.
If you get an “error” when you open a results report, it must have timed out. Try again and if it happens again, reload the page.
How can a teacher submit an incidence or complaint about his/her results?
Any complaint can be made on your Intranet, where you can view your survey results, by clicking on the button “Management and monitoring of incidents, where the procedure to follow is also explained. In the event that you do not have any report of this course and want to submit a complaint, not being able to manage it through the previous channel, you can make it within the period of claims through poli[Consulta].
Once the period of technical incidences to the ICE is over, the IAD is opened and the possibility of claiming through this channel to the Teaching Evaluation Commission (CED) is opened.
How to know the status of an incident processing?
You can follow the process on the Intranet, from the same site where you submitted it.
What formulas does the UPV apply for the calculation of satisfaction indicators for faculty evaluation?
You can see them in the following link.
Student training
How can I register for ICE workshops?
Consult the WEB There you will find all the information about the workshops you can register for.
Registration can be done from the ICE website, entering the workshop you are interested in and clicking on “student registration”;
Or also by accessing all the workshops offered, from your intranet at:
- Virtual Secretariat;
- Continuous and permanent training portal
When can I register for ICE workshops?
There are several calls per academic year.
An informative mail is sent to all UPV students when a call for training activities aimed at students begins;
How do I obtain a certificate of completion of the workshop?
In a term of 15 daysAs soon as you finish each training activity, you will receive an automatic email with the link to download the electronic certificate;
How can I validate this training for activity credits?
Courses are validated for a maximum of 2 ECTS creditsper activity, at a rate of:
- 30 hours in ICE courses related to Transversal Competences, which can be validated for 1 ECTS credit;
- 30 hours of ICE courses related to Personal Development, which can be validated for 1 ECTS credit;
Once the 30 hours of each section have been completed, please contact the ICE Secretariat by e-mail: ice@upvnet.upv.esor create a Poli[Consulta].ICE – Training courses – Aimed at students, to request that the certificate of recognition of credits for activities in undergraduate studies is issued and then present it at the center of the UPV where you study;
How can I cancel my registration for a workshop?
A through the Portal of training, entering the ICE training offer from the left menu, and then, entering in “All the offer” and in “My pre-registrations” there you can see in which workshops you are registered cancel your registration in which you want, until 4 days before the start, if the deadline is less you can write an email communicating it to
Ongoing training
When can I register for ICE activities?
You can register as long as there is an active offer: you can check the current offer in the ICE blog.
During the academic year we carry out three calls for continuing education activities and, at the beginning of each one of them, you will receive an email with the registration dates;
What happens if I finally want to cancel my registration to an activity because I will not be able to attend?
You can cancel your registration through the training portal of your intranet up to 4 days before the start of the activity. If the deadline were less, write an email communicating it to
Who is this training for?
To the PDI of the UPV. If you are research staff you must have Venia Docendi to have options to take the activities. In this case, request it a through a
How do I obtain the certificate of achievement for the activity I have completed?
To obtain the certificate, you must have attended at least 80% of the training activity. Once the minutes are closed, within 15 working days after the end of each training activity, the person who has obtained the certificate will receive an automatic email with an indication to download the electronic certificate. to download the electronic certificate.
How can I make an appointment at GOPU?
From the INTRANET, in the section “Services”, Institute of Educational Sciences, Request appointment at the University Psychopedagogical Guidance Office (GOPU)
How long is a visit to GOPU?
Approximately 45 minutes;
Is the visit face-to-face or virtual?
Both options are supported. Please indicate your preference when replying to the appointment reminder e-mail;
Can I cancel a GOPU appointment if I have an unforeseen event or simply no longer want to attend?
Yes, up to 3 days before: from the INTRANET, in the section, “Services”, Instituto Ciencias de la Educación, Solicitar cita en el Gabinete de Orientación Psicopedagógica Universitaria (GOPU) you can cancel the requested appointment.
Two days before or the same day by calling 963 87 70 94;
Can I request a voucher for attending GOPU?
Yes, you can request it to the person who attended you;
Where can I find the services offered by GREM?
You can find information about the services provided by GREM on the GREM home page ( or at the bottom of the pages of the GREM web site, in the option ” services“.
Who can book GREM services?
The services are available to the entire university community: PDI, PAS and students. For the latter, the request will be made by the teacher responsible for the subject for which the audiovisual service is needed. If a service is requested for a student, within the service request form, fill in the “I request a service on my behalf for” with the student’s data.
Where can I find information, templates and tutorials for the development of my materials according to the service I want to request?
There is an area dedicated to the elaboration of materials for the services provided by GREM, you have a link in the section of CREATOR/A in the main page, and also you can find it in the footer of page of the web of GREM ( in the option ” Support materials“.
Can I use GREM’s services to produce videos outside of a formal teaching program at the UPV?
All GREM services are free for the development of teaching materials within a regulated teaching at the UPV. For a non-regulated teaching, or a particular use is contemplated in the budgets of the UPV a cost of 300 € / hour for the use of studies Polimedia+.
How can I book the services?
All the services provided by GREM can be booked from the GREM WEB portal ( or by accessing the ICE website ( in the “GREM” option;
- Once in the portal, click on the “Login” option in the main menu and identify yourself with your UPVNET credentials.
- Once identified, the “Reservations” menu option and the “Request new service” button are displayed.
- This option displays the window for the selection of services, agenda and schedules available in 30-minute time slots to select the time you deem appropriate. Fill in the mandatory description field and click on the acceptance check of the service conditions and the “Send” button.
- You will receive an email acknowledging receipt of the application.
- When it is validated by the technician, you will receive another confirmation email from the technician;
How to search for resources in the GREM repository?
The GREM repository is divided into two sections, one for content creators who need a place to publish their productions and another part dedicated to resources of interest provided by the ICE to the university community. The latter can be accessed directly from the “Resources” menu option. If you use the search engine in this section you will only find resources from this section.
To search for content from creators, use the search engine on the GREM home page.
If you are a creator and you are looking for your productions, click on “Login” in the menu and enter your UPVNET credentials and click on the option “My Space”. If you use the search engine in this section you will only find resources from this section.
Whether you are a creator or not, when you log in to the GREM WEB:
- Allows you to access content that is restricted to UPV staff.
- It allows you to save as favorites resources that you find of interest and then access them directly from the “Favorites” menu option. If you use the search engine in this section you will only find resources from this section.
You can save the current view from the share icon; .
How long is the PAU?
It is estimated in 50 hours (2 ECTS) distributed from January to July;
When does the PAU begin and end?
It usually starts in January-February and ends between June and July. You can see the calendar of activities in the call.
Who is the PAU aimed at?
It is a training aimed at university staff who wish to dedicate themselves professionally to teaching, specifically to the group of assistant professors, and pre-doctoral contract holders (FPU, FPI and others) and within these to those who are about to complete their contract. Associate professors who are in their first years of teaching can also participate;
How do I register?
Via intranet, on the call How to do it is indicated;
How do I find out about the call?
Dissemination is made through the usual channels (ICE website), in addition to sending e-mails to potential candidates.
When is the call for applications expected to be issued?
The convocation is annual, about December information is published in the web
How do I sign up for PIAE+ activity training?
- From the INTRANET, section “Virtual Secretariat”/ Portal for Continuing and Permanent Training/Training Offering/ICE/PIAE+/View courses
- You can also access the PIAE+ training offer in this link link.
Who is the PIAE+ responsible for my center?
On the PIAE+ website ( in the Who are we? section you will find the list of managers and coordinators of your center.
Can I change my tutorial group?
Group changes are possible, but you must manage it in the center itself, talk to the person in charge of PIAE+ in your center;
How can I request the certificate of participation, as a tutee, in the PIAE+, so that I can be credited with the credit for activities in the secretary’s office?
Once the academic year has finished, from the intranet in the PIAE+ section, you can download the certificate of participation that certifies that you have been a student-tutee. If you need to validate the corresponding credit, you must go to the secretary’s office of your center and there they will tell you the procedure for validation, which varies depending on the center.
Where can I view the PIAE+ training offer?
The offer of PIAE+ training actions can be found at the following link link.
How can I obtain the certificate of having been a Tutor Teacher or Tutor Student?
The certificates for tutors (students and teachers) can be downloaded automatically, through the UPV intranet, in the PIAE+ section. The download is automatic.