How do we become real academics? Some certainties and uncertainties from the evaluation of teaching..
Conference given byIdoia Fernández Fernández the27 September from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 the Vera campus (Assembly hall of the 4H building – ETSICCP 2nd floor).
Science is built in a constant process of questions, methods, results and validation in the disciplinary community of reference. We evaluate projects, communications, articles on a permanent basis because this constitutes the basis of scientific knowledge. However, teaching, although it represents a mechanism through which we incorporate new people into the disciplinary community, continues to be a solitary and non-validated activity.
In this conference we will analyze the academic profession in all its dimensions, and, we will advance some keys to develop and evaluate teaching from a more professional and rigorous perspective, which allows us to advance in the scientific knowledge of teaching and learning of the disciplines.
Check out the event videos here