Support plan for the professional development of teachers at UPV


One of the pillars on which the support plan is based is the approach of a modular structure (training strategies of different duration) so that each teacher can configure his/her own curricular architecture, building his/her professional development at his/her own pace, according to his/her needs and possibilities through the different training itineraries that we offer.

In this sense, activities of different duration and characteristics are offered, which each teacher will select according to the moment in which he/she finds him/herself:

Short-term training activities

With a duration of 2 to 12 hours, these activities (conferences, webinars, workshops) work on specific topics of each of the 7 dimensions. The main objective of these activities is to awaken interest in further deepening or solving specific problems or needs.

These activities are reviewed and updated on an annual basis and are mainly structured according to the different quality standards of the MDPD in line with the dimensions of good teaching.

Medium-term training activities

With a duration of 2 to 5 ECTS, MODULES of a more integrative nature are offered that allow participants to carry out experiential learning cycles in which they experience and theorize on some of the dimensions of good teaching.

TRAINING ITINERARIES of initiation to teaching


University Welcome Program


Teaching Assistant Training


Initiation to Educational Research

Long-term training activities

We offer, in this case OWN TITLESwith a duration of 15/20 ECTS that allow the participating teachers to engage in reflective and shared practice.


Expert Diploma in Online Training


Expert Diploma in University Pedagogy


The Universitat Politècnica de València has been promoting educational innovation since 1986, through successive programs that have evolved over time and have managed to install in our university a culture of innovation, that is, a process of continuous reflection and improvement of their teachings to adapt them to the many challenges that today we must respond.

The stimulation, support and coordination of innovative initiatives is a very appropriate strategy to coordinate professional development needs at the personal level with the organizational, institutional and social development needs of the university and its different contexts.

This strategy is based on practice itself and relies on the teachers’ own capacity for reflection and inquiry. Innovation and training complement each other, innovation being the basis for training.

Objectives of the Educational Innovation Plan (A+D)

In the current call, we propose to continue with the stage already started in previous years, in order to consolidate this qualitative leap in educational innovation programs and, consequently, in the degrees of the UPV. Within this framework, the proposed objectives are:

  • Promote the development of projects clearly and directly aimed at improving the learning and integral development of students,encouraging deep learning, the development of high-level cognitive skills and the transfer of knowledge to real and professional life.
  • To highlight the value the work cooperative in educational innovation in educationThe company’s main objective is to provide a platform for projects developed by teams and to increase theinvolvement of the management team of the centers through the Responsible Degree Structures (ERT).
  • To provide institutional support and recognition to those who areteaching staffswho want to initiate and/or continue processes of innovation and educational research under the umbrella of the EICE.
  • Support the development of projects that advance in professionalized and academic teaching,based on the experimentation of its teaching and on a systematic analysis of the evidence of its students’ learning, subjecting such results to critical review by all the people in the university community.
  • To promote projects that will be clearly aligned with the key challenges set out in the UPV Strategic Plan,This calls for advancing towards training models that ensure that students acquire the necessary competencies to be able to enter the labor market.


Educational Innovation and Improvement Projects


Educational Innovation and Quality Teams


Good Teaching Practices

Pedagogical advice

With the aim of accompanying teachers in their professional development, this training strategy is based on the principle of respecting and starting from the teachers’ conceptions and context in order to move towards more advanced conceptions of teaching that allow for an improvement in the quality of teaching. Thus, we offer advice, not only at the individual level, but also at the collective level for:

  • Develop an innovation project.
  • Design or re-design subject planning.
  • Implement new methodologies.
  • Develop new digital materials.
  • Effectively incorporate technology in the classroom.


As a training strategy, the different educational resources offered by the ICE have a double objective. On the one hand, to favor the professional development process of university teachers and, on the other hand, to facilitate access, use and exchange of experiences and knowledge about university teaching, generating a professional culture based on teaching.

We intend to have a varied offer as a result of teamwork, since we not only offer resources developed by ICE staff, but also by teachers and professionals from different services of the UPV.

The resources will have different formats (videos, interplay, multimedia, text files, podcasts, infographics, …) and will be available on the ICE website, within its Educational and Multimedia Resources Office (GREM).

All resources will present up-to-date content on university teaching, as well as strategies, tools and other elements that allow teachers to reflect on their educational practice and advance in their professional development.

Self-instructional materials

to facilitate the learning of some topic of the dimensions of good university teaching.


of support for the development of innovation projects

Good practices

of support for the development of innovation projects

ICE Notebooks

in-depth workbooks on a specific topic of special interest for university teaching


of self-produced materials (short videos, links, websites of interest, …)