The Evaluation, Quality Assurance and Accreditation Service depends organically and administratively on the Vice-Rector’s Office for the Organization of Studies, Quality, Accreditation and Languages.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vehicula erat ante, a facilisis purus rhoncus id. Cras sit amet sem magna.
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Integer in neque in risus rhoncus luctus. Curabitur placerat lectus eu sollicitudin consectetur. Quisque elementum magna mauris, vel eleifend.
S E C A Websites
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Encuestas PEGASUS
Resultado de las encuestas sobre la satisfacción de los usuarios con los servicios universitarios.

poli SQF
Sistema de gestión, de Sugerencia, Quejas y Felicitaciones de la UPV

Programa de mejora en la gestión de la administración y los servicios universitarios de la UPV.

Valora UPV
Participación en la encuesta de satisfacción sobre los servicios prestados UPV. Planes y acciones de mejora.
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Stay up to date
- Satisfaction survey 2023Results of satisfaction surveys on services provided in 2023 The Universitat Politècnica de València publishes the results of the survey of the opinion of users of management services, teaching support and… Read more: Satisfaction survey 2023
- RaffleLast May, 50 product packs were raffled in a drawing to be held atmerchandising UPV that consist of a bottle and a sweatshirt, or a bottle and a vest, among the… Read more: Raffle