Quality in Management

Our objective is to guarantee quality in the management of university services and in the attention to the people who use them, to satisfy the needs and expectations of the university community and other stakeholders, promoting continuous improvement.

PEGASUS Programme

This is the programme that the Universitat Politècnica de València has had in place for almost two decades to improve the management of university management and services.

Together with the staff of the different units:

  • We identify the processes carried out in the different Units.
  • We draw up Service Charters describing the services provided and the quality commitments that that we assume at the UPV.
  • We establish a system of indicators of performance and perception.
  • We coordinate communication systems with users to respond to their queries, suggestions, complaints and compliments about the services provided.
  • We annually evaluate our users satisfaction through surveys.
  • We establish actions and improvement plans and we disseminate them.
  • We carry out periodic audits.

And all this with the aim of adequately responding to the different needs and expectations, and as a mechanism for continuous improvement.

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Quality in customer service

To ensure quality for the people we serve, we have the QAU! programme. Our assistance is provided both in person and through electronic services.

QAU! is in charge of constantly evaluating and improving the points of contact between the university and the different profiles of people who use our services and activities, aiming for each interaction to be positive and satisfactory.

We intend that every member of our university community and the external people who request our services feel well attended and supported in all their needs.

Within this framework we have implemented, among other initiatives:

  • poli[Consulta].
  • poli[SQF]
  • poli[Cita]

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was the year in which the PEGASUS programme, promoted by the UPV Management, was launched.


UPV management units adhering to the PEGASUS programme


processes have been identified, which has made it possible to build the service charters of the management units.

Improving the UPV

Every year we select from among the improvement plans developed some examples, grouped into categories, which are formulated thanks to the quality management systems.