As of May 6, 2024, the IVACE has informed the Universitat Politècnica de València of the granting of aid for the implementation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure within the program of incentives linked to electric mobility (MOVES III-IDAE program – Comunitat Valenciana Infrastructure), within the framework of the European Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
The grants have been awarded for the parking lots of the Vera and Gandia campuses and represent a subsidy of 20% of the investment to be made. In the next 15 months, 37 electric vehicle charging points of 22 kW will be installed on the Vera campus, and two electric vehicle charging points of 22 kW on the Gandia campus.
These points will be installed in addition to the electric vehicle chargers already in service at all three campuses. In this way, 100% of the points required to comply with current legislation (Royal Decree-Law 29/2021, Article 4, and Law 6/2022 of the Generalitat Valenciana, Article 66) will be fulfilled, in addition to complying with the commitment acquired in the current UPV Sustainable Mobility Strategic Plan (2023-2027).
This management has been coordinated by the Infrastructure Service and the Environment Unit of the UPV.