Happy New Year 2024
The Vice-Rectorate for Sustainable Development of the Campus of the Universitat Politècnica de València wishes you happy holidays.

The Vice-Rectorate for Sustainable Development of the Campus of the Universitat Politècnica de València wishes you happy holidays.
The UPV team is made up of Batiste Vidal (Master in Industrial Engineering student), Eva Tortajada (doctoral candidate in the Architecture, Building, Urban Planning, and Landscape Architecture program), José Antonio Gil (Degree in Energy Engineering student), Nuria Ochogavia (Master’s Degree […]
The UPV is organizing Environment Week, from November 13 to 19, with the slogan “Turn on your conscience, turn off the light.” The objective of this action is to publicize the environmental impact of energy consumption to encourage the proper […]
On October 10, 2023, the UPV published in the Public Sector Procurement Platform the file NEXT GENERATION URGENT MY23/SIN/O/52 for the execution of the energy rehabilitation works of the Rectorate roof at the Vera campus. The planned work includes the […]
“XALOC. Bioclimatic, fair and inclusive adaptation for housing” is the winning proposal of the Climate Generation COP28 call launched by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. The university team that developed the project will be part of […]
On the occasion of the celebration of the European Sustainable Mobility Week (September 16 to 22) the Environment Unit has organized a dissemination campaign for the new Strategic Plan for Sustainable Mobility of the Universitat Politècnica de València (2023-2027)),approved by […]
The next Crue-Sustainability conference will be held at the Universitat Politècnica de València on October 25-27. We invite you to save the dates!All the information about the event will be available at this website. Note: We strongly recommend booking accommodation in […]
This week starts operating a new solar energy production facility at the Universitat Politècnica de València. It is a photovoltaic installation on the roof of Building G1A of the Polytechnic School of Gandia, which consists of 90 panels of 545 […]
The director of the Vice-Rectorate for Campus Sustainable Development’s Green Transition area was invited to the Net Zero Academy forum organized by Virtual Educa at the Polytechnic of Portalegre (Portugal). José Luis Alapont had the opportunity to present the initiative […]
On celebrating World Environment Day, the Universitat Politècnica de València announces that the default search engine on the computers of the administration and services staff will be Ecosia—one more step towards the sustainability of the UPV. The rest of the […]