Installation of LEDs on campuses

The Universitat Politècnica de València gradually installs LEDs in the buildings and outside the campuses. In addition to equipping newly built spaces with LEDs and changing the lights each time a space is subject to renovation, priority is being given to replacement based on energy consumption.

Thus, the plan contemplates the gradual installation according to the following stages:

  • circulation areas: corridors
  • common areas: in addition to corridors, lobbies and toilets.
  • general services: center libraries, administration areas, etc.
  • teaching spaces: classrooms and laboratories
  • workspaces: offices

Furthermore, the UPV campuses already have LEDs in all outdoor spaces, outdoor sports facilities, and underground car parks.

You can check below the current status of the installation in the different campuses of the UPV:

Carbonell BuildingLEDs in common areas and library
Ferrandiz BuildingLEDs in common areas
Viaducto Buildingwithout LEDs
Sports pavilionwithout LEDs
Building ALEDs in circulation areas and classrooms
Building BLEDs in common areas (incomplete)
Building Dwithout LEDs
Building Ewithout LEDs
Building Fwithout LEDs
Building GLEDs in common areas (incomplete)
Building HLEDs in reading rooms

The Infrastructure Service is responsible for the development of this plan.

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