Mobility diagnosis at the UPV (May 2022)

The Universitat Politècnica de València conducted a mobility diagnosis in the three campuses to define the starting point for its new Strategic Plan for Sustainable Mobility 2023-2027.

The diagnosis was based on the results of the survey carried out by the UPV community in May 2022 and was completed with various meetings (Inter-administrative Mobility Board, ‘Indignats amb Renfe’ platform, Student Union Committee) and the compilation of all the mobility SQFs (suggestions, complaints, congratulations) of recent years.

The mobility subcommittee conducted participatory workshops and collected all the information. A SWOT and an Action Plan were discussed until the first draft of the mobility plan was approved by the UPV Environmental Commission. The members of the UPV Governing Council ratified this approval at the meeting held on March 9, 2023.

The May 2022 survey of the UPV community yielded these results:

The UPV Environment Unit has led all this work.

You can check the complete survey here:

You can download the data collected in the survey here:

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