Site Map Vice-rectorate OfficeGovernanceVice-Rector's scheduleAREAS & SERVICESInfrastructures and Spaces Management AreaGreen Transition AreaInfrastructures OfficeMaintenance OfficeEnvironmental OfficeINVESTIGO PROGRAMUPV Investigo ProgramVCampus Investigo First Semester ResultsResults of the first year -VCampus InvestigoBIODIVERSITYCampus biodiversity inventoryPreliminary Study of the Biodiversity Action Plan for UPV CampusesENERGYPhotovoltaic energy productionInstallation of LEDs on campusesResource consumption at the UPVMOBILITYRecharging of electric vehicles and service usage statisticsMobility diagnosis at the UPV (May 2022)Strategic Plan for Sustainable Mobility 2023-2027CONSTRUCTION AND RENOVATIONEnergy efficiency of buildingsSpace managementWASTEPlastic Reduction CampaignCOMMUNITYCampaign 'UPV switches to Ecosia'City-University binomial: the joint challenge of decarbonizationUPV LIVING LABUPV Living Lab - introductionUPV Living Lab - decarbonization scenariosUPV Living Lab - call for projectsDANA_UPVDANA_UPV LodgingDANA_UPV MobilityMore InformationGeneral InformationNewsContactSuggestionsGeneral informationOrganizationUPV Staff DirectoryManagement TeamRelated WebsitesShare: Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Pinterest