Strategic Plan for Sustainable Mobility 2023-2027

1 | Mission, vision, and values of UPV_ 2023 in sustainable mobility.

The Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) is an institution committed to the environment, specifically to sustainable mobility, which is responsible for managing and minimizing the environmental impact it generates and for assuming its exemplary role towards society.
The UPV aspires to be an exemplary model of healthy, safe, and low-emission university mobility, characterized by:

  • To carry out effective and participatory mobility management.
  • Encourage walking, cycling, and the use of public transport.
  • Encourage the rational use of private motorized vehicles.
  • To sustainably manage the distribution of goods and the mobility of outsourced services.
  • Minimize the accident rate due to mobility, both for internal and external travel.
  • Promote education and participation of the university community in mobility matters.

This commitment to the mobility model is embodied in implementing and maintaining an improvement action plan integrated into the current Environmental Management System according to the EMAS Regulation that the UPV has.

2 | Methodology

The UPV Sustainable Mobility Strategic Plan (2023-2027) has been developed based on the results obtained in the technical-quantitative and qualitative study carried out through interviews, meetings, and mobility surveys conducted with the university population and main external parties. Its purpose has been to prepare a diagnosis that gives us complete information on the current situation of the three campuses in terms of mobility, involving the university community through the various participatory processes carried out in this diagnostic phase.

3 | Action plan

The action plan consists of 42 actions aligned according to 7 strategic axes:

  • STRATEGIC LINE I. Mobility management and promotion of new technologies.
  • STRATEGIC LINE II. Encouraging pedestrian travel.
  • STRATEGIC LINE III. Promotion of bicycle mobility.
  • STRATEGIC LINE IV. Promotion of the use of collective public transportation.
  • STRATEGIC LINE V. Rational use of private vehicles.
  • STRATEGIC LINE VI. Management of goods distribution and services outsourced.
  • STRATEGIC LINE VII. Awareness and participation of the university community.

STRATEGIC LINE I. Mobility management and promotion of new technologies

STRATEGIC LINE II. Encouraging pedestrian travel

STRATEGIC LINE III. Promotion of bicycle mobility

STRATEGIC LINE IV. Promotion of the use of collective public transportation

STRATEGIC LINE V. Rational use of private vehicles

STRATEGIC LINE VI. Management of goods distribution and services outsourced

STRATEGIC LINE VII. Awareness-raising and participation of the university community

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