The training of administrative and service personnel and research staff is a management tool that facilitates the achievement of the commitments of the University’s Strategic Plan. To this end, the Training Unit makes available to those interested a series of proposals and learning opportunities that allow updating knowledge and improving professional skills, enabling the PAS and PI to be more competent in the performance of their work and favoring adaptation to the changes experienced by the university and today’s society.
The objectives of the Training Unit are:
- To offer administrative and service personnel and research personnel different learning options that allow them to achieve objectives of effectiveness and efficiency in the performance of their functions, improving their quality of work.
- To be one of the key instruments for the modernization of the university.
- To offer a better, more qualified service to citizens. For this purpose, we offer different training paths. On the one hand, the Training Plan that allows training in those subjects transversal to any professional profile and even to those profiles more numerous within the organization.
- We have the Training aids aimed at those people who do not find in our training plan specific training options for their position. We have open training material and resources for all PAS-PI employees. And finally the financing of the training of Foreign languages of the CDL-UPV aimed at the entire PAS and research community.