The Sports Studies and Society Service is responsible for the development and promotion of research, training and dissemination of physical activity and sport at the UPV and in our social environment, in order to contribute to a more just, healthy, cohesive and sustainable society.
The objectives of the Sports Studies and Society Service are as follows:
Connecting Sports Sciences with UPV degrees.
To support the training of UPV students in the field of sports, as well as to provide continuous updating for coaches, athletes, clubs and sports associations.
Respond to the economic and social needs of our environment in the field of sport through interdisciplinary research in sport and knowledge transfer through the Observatori Valencià de l’Esport (OVE).
This involves:
- Collect existing statistical data on sports activity.
- Research and diagnose new trends, problems or issues of priority interest in the field of sport.
- To transfer research results in order to help social actors and public administrations to develop appropriate strategies and programs in the field of sports policies.