The Office of Languages guarantees, promotes and standardises the use of Valencian at the UPV, while fostering learning and the certification of foreign languages.The mission of the Office of Languages is to support language learning and certification throughout the UPV community. Our goal is to achieve a UPV that is both more Valencian and multilingual, where students, teachers, administrative and services staff can work equally in Spanish, Valencian and English, while having the opportunity to learn or improve a wide range of other languages.
The Office of Languages guarantees, promotes and standardises the use of Valencian at the UPV, while fostering learning and the certification of foreign languages.
Subareas of Tongues
The area of tongues divides in two parts: the SPNL and the CDL.
The Office of Language Planning
The Office of Language Planning (Servei de Promoció i Normalització Lingüística, SPNL) is responsible for all actions related to the Valencian language. Its services include language consultancy, promoting the Valencian language, language training in Valencian, and the accreditation of Valencian language skills (through the CIECOVA tests).
The Language Centre
The Language Centre (CDL) is responsible for foreign language learning and certification, providing training, consultancy and certification services for a range of foreign languages, as well as being an administration and examination centre for several language certificates.
**Servei Of **Promoció **i **Normalització **Lingÿ*ística
The **Servei of **Promoció **i **Normalització **Lingÿ*ística (**SPNL) is the attendant to carry out all the actions tied to the Valencian. Among the services that loans are the ones of advice **lingÿ*ístico, promotion of the Valencian, formation **lingÿ*ística in Valencian and accreditation of the knowledges of the Valencian (through the proofs of the **CIECOVA).
Centre of Tongues
The Centre of Tongues (CDL) is the attendant to facilitate the learning and the certification of foreign tongues, for this loans services of formation in diverse foreign tongues, makes actions of advice **lingÿ*ístico and commissions of the certification, being centre examiner and administrator of several certificates in tongues.
Aims and Key Results
**Aliquam **efficitur **iaculis **ligula, **at **auctor **lorem **imperdiet **consequat. **Vivamus **sagittis **gravida Ex **non **dapibus. **Vivamus **mauris **elit, **ultricies **vitae **congue **vitae, **ultrices **eget **arcu.
Initiatives Stood out
It knows the activity of the Area, are centred in the following projects.
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