The Universitat Politècnica de València offers degrees that have obtained the label of excellence EURO-INF. The EURO-INF label is awarded by the European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education (EQANIE), in collaboration with the General Council of Professional Associations of Computer Engineering and the National Agency for the Evaluation of Computer Engineering. The EURO-INF is awarded by the European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education (EQANIE), in collaboration with the General Council of Professional Associations of Computer Engineering and the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) through its International Quality Seals (SIC) program.

The value
- Ensures that the program meets high international standards.
- For students, it is an additional test recognized by employers at the European level.
- For employers, it ensures that candidates possess the knowledge and skills required by international standards.
- For universities, it is an additional certificate of quality and ratifies that the accredited program meets academic and professional standards.
UPV degrees with the EURO-INF label of Excellence
Bachelor’s Degrees
- Improve the quality and transparency of educational programs in computer science.
- Provide information on studies in Europe through appropriate certification for accredited educational programs in computer science.
- Facilitate mutual recognition of qualifications between different countries.
- Increase student mobility.
The EQANIE agency
The European Quality Assurance Network for Education in Informatics (EQANIE) is a non-profit association that seeks to improve the evaluation and quality assurance of computer science curricula in Europe. EQANIE was founded in January 2009, in Düsseldorf (Germany).
EQANIE develops criteria and procedures for the evaluation and control of quality in computer science curricula. In addition, it develops and maintains a system for awarding a European quality certification for computer science degree programs, as well as for their protection and further development.