MINORS_UPV 2024 Program

Vice-Rectorate for Organization of Studies, Quality, Accreditation and Languages of the  Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) has launched an innovative academic initiative called MINORS_UPV, designed to complement the training of students beyond the traditional curricula. These programs will offer an interdisciplinary thematic itinerary based on selected subjects from the UPV’s official offer, as well as allowing participation in non-regulated activities such as courses and seminars.

With a duration of between 15 and 30 ECTS credits, the MINORS_UPV are open to anyone who has completed or is currently completing a degree or equivalent qualification, as long as they meet the specific requirements of each MINOR. These programs not only broaden the student’s knowledge, but can also lead to the awarding of micro-credentials, thus certifying the educational results achieved.

The creation of each MINOR_UPV will be supervised by the Vice-Rectorate for the Organization of Studies, Quality, Accreditation and Languages of the UPV, with the participation of an academic expert in the field. The flexibility and adaptability of these programs to the needs of the market and the interests of the student body is in line with the UPV’s commitment to a dynamic and quality higher education.

This new regulation, which will come into force for the 2024/2025 academic year, reflects the UPV’s commitment to educational innovation and the integral development of its students.

In addition, the Extract of the Resolution of 18 July 2024 has been published in the DOGV on 19 September 2024. (link)

Discover the new call MINORS UPV on Sustainability and circular economy