Vice-Rectorate for Organisation of Studies, Quality, Accreditation and Languages

Vice-Rectorate for Organisation of Studies, Quality, Accreditation and Languages
The Vice-Rectorate for Organisation of Studies, Quality, Accreditation and Languages is responsible for designing, managing and implementing quality assurance for UPV’s official degrees and institutional programmes. It is also in charge of the university’s language policy. It is organised in 3 offices, namely Studies, Quality and Languages, which together oversee the Language Centre and the Office of Language Planning (Servei de Promoció i Normalització Llingüística, SPNL), and works closely with the Office of Assessment, Planning and Quality Service, SECA.
We have squads highly qualified for the development of our aims
Office of Studies
The Office’s mission is to manage our degrees as we strive to bring them in line with the reality and needs of the 21st Century. Our goal is to refresh the portfolio of degrees under the UPV umbrella, always offering …
Office of Quality
The Office’s mission is to help gain national and international accreditations in the university field and promote internal quality assurance in academic processes, ensuring they are aligned with external needs. Our goal is to design a quality assurance and management …
Office of Languages
The mission of the Office of Languages is to support language learning and certification throughout the UPV community. Our goal is to achieve a UPV that is both more Valencian and multilingual, where students, teachers, administrative and services staff can …
Philosophy of Work
We encourage us in developing concrete and measurable aims
To offer our students an education in line with the demands of society, while ensuring the highest national and international recognition for UPV’s academic certificates and quality systems
In 2025, UPV was awarded internal and external certifications that provide the framework for an efficient academic quality management system, ensuring all our courses are highly flexible and have a strong focus on language.
- Support
- Flexibility
- Modernity
- Transparency
- Agility
- Sustainability
- Participation
Programs and Initiatives Stood out
It knows our last projects
MINORS_UPV 2024 Program
The MINORS_UPV programs allow students to receive and recognize additional training in addition to the official curricula. The MINORS_UPV are composed of subjects selected from among those included in the UPV’s formal training offer, and can be completed with other …
UPV Quality Policy and Objectives
The Universitat Politècnica de València is a dynamic university committed to training, research and knowledge transfer at the highest level. With a vocation of service to our environment from an innovative, open and global perspective, standing out for offering innovative …
Academic Programmes with Successive Pathways (PARS)
The PARS Academic Programs of Successive Pathways, are academic programs offered by the UPV that can be chosen directly in the degree pre-registration, to carry out a degree and a master’s degree -in the branch of engineering and architecture- consecutively. …
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Are **eu **neque **interdum, **ornare **magna **tempor, **vehicula **dui. **In **quis **pellentesque **arcu. **Nam **sagittis Release urn, **quis **interdum **diam **vestibulum **ut.
**Pellentesque **at **quam **mauris.?
**Integer **cursus **orci **non **purus **dignissim, **vel **aliquet **risus **tempus. **Cras **auctor **vel **arcu To **pharetra. **Pellentesque **dapibus Hate **vel **nibh **malesuada, **vitae carries **risus **consequat.
Latest news
Information of actuality, novelties and projects
- UPV Minor ProgramsThe MINORS programs will allow students to receive and recognize complementary education to official studies. These are programs of between 18 and 30 regulated ECTS, based on the transversal education offered on the UPV, which may be complemented with other activities… Read more: UPV Minor Programs
- Grants from the DRAC ESTIU 2022 Mobility ProgrammeThe @UPV, through the @VECAL, announces grants from the DRAC ESTIU 2022 Mobility Programme for students https://bit.ly/DRACEstiu to help them attend summer courses and activities organised by @xarxavives universities. Share: Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Pinterest
- New degreesThe UPV will teach 12 new degree courses in 2022-2023: two new bachelor’s degrees, two new double degrees, five new master’s degrees and three new double master’s degrees The UPV includes for the next academic year the launch of two new… Read more: New degrees