5U CV Competition

Concurso Sturtups

The UPV triumphs in the university startup competition. Arkadia Space and ImpactE have won first and third prize, respectively.

The Universitat Politècnica de València has won three of the eight prizes awarded in the 5U CV Contest, the competition in which companies and projects born in the five public universities of the Valencian Community compete.

The first prize in the category Startup (companies already incorporated) has been for Arkadia Space. The recognition, endowed with 9,000 euros, rewards its ecological and sustainable propulsion systems for space platforms and satellites that the company is developing, from the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the UPV and Castellón Airport, where it has a test bench.

Also in the category Startupthe company ImpactEhas been awarded third place for its web applications, which optimize energy efficiency actions in municipalities and industries through maps and data.

In addition, the project Cattlelyfocused on the detection of mastitis in cattle through sensors and artificial intelligence, has been awarded in the Junior category (emerging projects and ideas).

The 5U CV Contest is promoted by the Conselleria de Economía Sostenible, Sectores Productivos, Comercio y Trabajo, and framed within the LLAMP Program Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation Services.

The competition had 20 finalists, four from each of the universities.

Women’s Entrepreneurship Day

The awards ceremony of the 5U CV Contest took place during a day to promote female leadership in the company.

The Vice Rector for Students and Entrepreneurship of the UPV, Esther Gómez, participated in the round table “Promoting female entrepreneurship from Valencian public universities”, in which she gave the keys to the initiatives carried out by Ideas UPV, which this year celebrates its 30th anniversary as a pioneering entrepreneurship unit in Spain.

In addition, the round table “Vision of female entrepreneurship from the perspective of university entrepreneurs”, has had the voice of the leaders of five startups born in university ecosystems, including Silvia Garcia representing the UPV and its startup D-Vallet.