Vice-rectorate for Internationalization
and Communication

Greetings from the Vice-Rector

The world is immersed in a vertiginous process of transformation, where the local and the global are intertwined in an incessant process of information generation. The information age has not been accompanied by better communication; instead, it seems quite the opposite.

It is time to integrate the various multicultural, multilingual, and global dimensions within the educational system to instill a sense of global citizenship in students. The significant cultural and linguistic barriers we face must be resolved through communication, dialogue, and listening. To this end, and recognizing the key role of internationalization for the success of our university in the next 50 years, the Vice Rectorate for Internationalization and Communication has as its primary objective to serve the university community in the quest to open the doors of our university and extend our scope of action to the global horizon of the 21st century.

To be heard and to listen to continue accompanying Valencian society in the design of a prosperous and inclusive future for all.


We have highly qualified teams for the development of our objectives.

Recruiting Area

It promotes the attraction of resources through sponsorship and executes the necessary actions to attract future students to the training programs of the Universitat Politècnica de València. It is responsible for the design of the institution’s corporate marketing.

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Communication Area

It is responsible for compiling, elaborating, and disseminating information about the Universitat Politècnica de València through different communication platforms. It also responds to all queries related to the UPV and coordinates the corporate visual identity and the management of accreditations.

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Development Cooperation Area

The Centre for Development Cooperation (CCD) is responsible for supporting and encouraging the participation of the university community in university cooperation activities for development. And all this to promote attitudes of solidarity.

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Academic Exchange Area

The International Exchange Programmes Office, together with the Internationalization Offices of the 13 Schools/Faculties of the UPV, form this area that coordinates the participation of the UPV in academic exchange and international mobility programs aimed at students and staff.

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Internationalization Area

Its primary purpose is to coordinate, encourage and support the University’s international participation in postgraduate programs and academic collaboration through agreements with foreign universities, as well as to promote the involvement of the UPV in educational cooperation projects.

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Latin America Area

It fosters, promotes, and encourages institutional relations and academic exchange with Latin American educational and research entities. It is also responsible for establishing international collaboration networks in this geographic area.

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Work Philosophy

We strive to develop concrete and measurable objectives.


Through more effective communication, promote internationalization both on and off campus and improve the positioning and prestige of the UPV. Extend our scope of action to the global horizon of the 21st century.


In 2025 the UPV is an example of international communication, where its members live with pride in belonging to a multicultural experience and whose projection of studies and research is global.


  • Multi-culturalism
  • Solidarity
  • Trust
  • Diversity
  • Tolerance
  • Quality
  • Equality
  • Recognition

Outstanding Programs and Initiatives

Learn about our latest projects

Call for UPV Master’s Excellence Scholarships

Call for students of non-EU nationality with outstanding academic records who have obtained scholarships from other institutions of international prestige.

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UPV AUIP Scholarships

Call for applications for grants for students and graduates from foreign universities in Latin America, for the completion of university master’s degrees at the Universitat Politècnica de València.

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International Talent Scholarships

The “International Talent Scholarships” plan is a project promoted by the Universitat Politècnica de València, whose objective is to facilitate access to higher education for students with the best academic records from the Spanish Bilingual Sections of the countries participating …

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