The Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) is a university committed to the economic environment, the environment, the welfare of people and the progress of society. Therefore, the University contributes and supports through the Vice-Rectorate for Innovation and Transfer to the economic, cultural and social development of Spain and in particular of the Valencian Community.
In this mission of the University, the Vice-Rectorate through its dependent areas and services acts as a catalyst and key agent for the promotion and scientific and technological development of the Valencian socio-economy, as well as the promotion of research, innovation, entrepreneurship and knowledge transfer in society;
The activity and work of the innovative ecosystem of the UPV has been especially intensive since 2022. From the UPV we have supported the attraction of multinationals and investments in Valencia. Thus, we highlight the intervention of the Vice-Rectorate for Innovation and Transfer of the UPV, which has been fundamental and decisive in the establishment in the Valencian metropolitan area of the corporations HP, Aviatar Lufthansa Technik, Globalogic, Siemens Mobility, Volkswagen, Principal 33, Elecnor Deimos, Apex Group or Akkodis, among others.
The UPV has consolidated its position as the university with the greatest impact on the transformation of the Valencian socioeconomic fabric through innovation and transfer.