Alison Campbell, CEO of the UK Technology Transfer Office, will speak at the next polytechnic R&D and innovation reference forum.
For the fourth consecutive year, the innovation ecosystem of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) will have the opportunity to participate in a day dedicated to innovation with lectures, presentations and debates on the current and future of research, knowledge transfer and technologies with an impact on society, economy and Valencian environment.
The polytechnic innovation day will have in this edition with relevant protagonists at European level. The auditorium of the Polytechnic City of Innovation will host as a keynote speaker a Alison Campbell CEO of the UK Government Office for Technology Transfer (GOTT)with a keynote speech on international practice in knowledge transfer.
The session will feature a panel discussion represented by a panel of experts in innovation and transfer of research projects in Europe.
The event to be held next March 1, at 9 am and in hybrid format, will take place in the blue cube of the Polytechnic City of Innovation, science park of the UPV, located on the Vera Campus of the city of Valencia. Those interested can follow the information related to the event on social networks with the hashtag #JornadaUPVinnovación and on the event’s website,

Previous conferences
The three prevoius editions of the conferences have brought together in total, in person and online, more than 50 speakers of national and international reference and 500 attendees linked to the field of R&D and innovation of the Valencian Community. The organizing team of the IV conference expects in this 2023 a day of impact on the business network, and in the network of organizations and on the key agents of the Valencian R&D with an international projection and a dialogue focused on the present and future of transfer and open innovation with the UPV.

Who organizes?
UPV Innovation is the UPV program to promote innovation in its socioeconomic environment..
The units involved in this program are the CPI Foundation, the Research, Innovation and Transfer Promotion and Support Service, CPI EUROPE the Integrated Employment Service, IDEAS UPV, the Permanent Training Center CFP, the Doctoral School, Spontaneous Generation, the Business Innovation Orientation Unit promoted from the Social Council, the UPV Business Chairs Area, the UPV Communication Area, the Research Structures and R&D managers; Alcoy Campus and Gandía Campus.
The coordination of these units is established with the following principles:
- Generate synergies between the UPV units involved in the relationship with companies.
- Establish external collaborations from the business environment.
- Generate interaction among research groups as a source of innovation opportunities.
- Dialogue with the Research Structures in order to orient its activity for their benefit.
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