Strategy is an iterative, continuous and adaptive process that combines goals, resources and methods.
The strategy helps the institution to be what it wants to be (VISION) by being what it should be (PURPOSE) by making decisions in light of its VALUES.
The UPV_SIRVE strategy is the place from where UPV wants to serve the society that gives it strength and meaning and does so through 5 strategic goals: #UPV_Sustainable, #UPV_International, #UPV_Relevant, #UPV_Vital, #UPV_Excellent.
The UPV_SIRVE strategy is the place from where the UPV wants to serve the society that gives it strength and meaning.
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Strategic Plan 2023-2027
Intending to help to foster the potential of its students and contribute to the transformation of society and its development, the Universitat Politècnica de València focuses its public higher education service on providing the best learning experience to its students, accrediting the competencies and skills acquired for the exercise of professional activities related to art, science and technology, and facilitating lifelong learning with accredited quality training offers.
With the same intensity, the UPV promotes the creation, development and criticism of scientific and technical knowledge and culture through research; it boosts the exchange and transfer of knowledge and research results to contribute to social and economic development and environmental sustainability.
In 2027 the UPV will be a university that, on its three campuses, in a sustainable way and within its alliances:
- It personalises learning for each student, developing their artistic, scientific, digital, and technical skills, their ability to innovate and work collaboratively, and their social commitment.
- It has a certified quality academic offer, internationally attractive, motivating, and relevant for the different interest groups, through which each student learns to undertake and lead with ethical responsibility.
- It promotes transdisciplinary collaboration, cultivating a diverse, creative, engaged university community.
- It generates the scientific, technological, and artistic avant-garde, leading innovation in society through the transfer of knowledge and collaboration with companies and public and private institutions.
- It is committed to serving society and being society aware of this.
At the UPV, teaching, research, transfer and management activities are carried out following human and social values such as freedom, equality, justice, solidarity and pluralism. Specifically, it is an institution that seeks the common interest:
- It ensures respect and inclusion.
- It fosters collaboration and internationalisation.
- Manages resources in a responsible, sustainable, and transparent manner.
- It promotes innovation and the incorporation of disruptive improvements.
The UPV’s strategic objectives are grouped into 5 strategic goals:
Sustainable UPV
- OSUS1: Position the UPV so that its three campuses achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.
- OSUS2: Develop stable and alternative sources of funding.
- OSUS3: Adapt the structure of the UPV for flexible management of shared resources, which allows it to face the changes required by society.
International UPV
- OINT1: To be a university of international reference in STEAM studies, responding to the needs of society and stimulating the vocations of present and future students.
- OINT2: To strengthen and consolidate alliances with universities and companies of international prestige to benefit the socio-economic environment.
Relevant UPV
- OREL1: To intensify the positive impact of academic knowledge on the socio-economic fabric and the environment.
- OREL2: Consolidate the reputation and leadership of the UPV in social transformation.
- OREL3: To foster the transdisciplinary nature of research, innovation, and transfer activities, promoting their permeability towards teaching.
- OREL4: Develop partnerships with social institutions and public administrations.
Vital UPV
- OVIT1: To accompany talent and promote the well-being and involvement of UPV staff by building an organisation that anticipates and continuously adapts to the needs of society.
- OVIT2: To strengthen the recruitment and retention of research talent by improving working conditions at different stages of the research career.
- OVIT3: To generate an academic offer in which each student is at the centre of the lifelong teaching-learning process.
- OVIT4: Improve employability and increase entrepreneurship of students and staff.
Excellent UPV
- OEXC1: Promote transformative teaching models that incorporate and train in the arts, science, and cutting-edge technology.
- OEXC2: To stimulate the generation of knowledge of excellence and its valorisation in collaboration with companies and institutions.