Official title

90 credits




Spanish – B2


UPV Vera Campus Site (Valencia)

In detail

Page content

Description of the title

The Master’s Degree in Habitat Innovation is an opportunity to deepen and specialize in the design of different forms of habitat, seeking solutions focused on promoting social, environmental and economic justice.

From the knowledge of present needs, addressing future challenges and with innovation as a driver of change, we seek to develop critical responses capable of imagining new housing strategies.

Objectives of the degree

Main objective

The degree seeks to train the future student in its multiple approaches: a professional orientation linked to the existing demand, a specialized training in the field of housing and a commitment to innovation that allows the implementation of new strategies around the habitat.

General objectives

To provide an academic and professional context for a holistic analysis of housing and habitation issues, through a transdisciplinary perspective.

To provide a professional specialization linked to the existing demand, either from professional practice, research or public service, in a relevant and essential field such as affordable and sustainable housing.

To innovate by promoting solutions capable of advancing in the improvement of the current built environment, aimed at improving people’s lives, while proposing the most appropriate techniques to carry them out.

This specialty master’s degree complements other higher studies, such as the Master’s Degree in Architecture, providing graduates with a more competitive professional profile and improving their chances of finding employment.

Career opportunities

The main job profiles for which the master’s degree provides training are:

  • Architect specialized in housing (innovative and sustainable) for the free practice of the profession.
  • Technical responsible for departments focused on public housing within the Administrations, at state, regional or local level.
  • Consultant specialized in environmental sustainability, from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the control of the carbon footprint linked to housing.
  • Consultant specialized in economic and financial sustainability of housing.
  • Consultant specialized in social sustainability of housing.
  • Project manager and good governance in new management models (cooperatives, co-housing,…).
  • Project manager in the housing area in companies linked to the management and construction sector.
  • Teaching-Researcher, as a previous step to Doctoral Studies and thesis development.

Aimed primarily at

The MUHAB Specialty Master’s Degree is aimed at graduates who wish to broaden their training in the field of housing and habitation, mainly graduates in:

  • Master in Architecture (qualifying)
  • Degree in Architecture / Fundamentals of Architecture.
  • Master in Building / Building Engineering.
  • Degree in Technical Architecture.
  • Other higher degrees with sufficient content in architecture, urban planning, construction and housing, which allow the achievement of competencies equivalent to those obtained with the aforementioned degrees.

Structure of the master’s degree

Mandatory:12 ECTS |Electives:48 ECTS |External internships:0 ECTS |Final Master’s thesis (TFM):12 ECTS

Module 1. Fundamentals :12 ECTS mandatory

Subject:Sustainability in architecture and urban patterns
Minimum credits: 6 | Character: Compulsory

Subject:Project and construction management
Minimum credits: 6 | Character: Compulsory

Module 2. Specialization :30 ECTS mandatory

Subject:Urbanism, territory and landscape
Minimum credits: 30 | Character: Elective

Subject:Architecture and sustainable habitat
Minimum credits: 30 | Character: Elective

Subject:Interior architecture design and microarchitectures
Minimum credits: 30 | Character: Elective

Subject:Advanced Technology in Architecture and Urban Planning
Minimum credits: 30 | Character: Elective

Module 3. Complements :18 ECTS mandatory

Subject:Environmental conditioning
Minimum credits: 6 | Character: Elective

Subject:Design, graphic representation and digital communication
Minimum credits: 6 | Character: Elective

Subject:Planning and management
Minimum credits: 6 | Character: Elective

Subject:Structures and foundations
Minimum credits: 6 | Character: Elective

Subject:Architectural composition
Minimum credits: 6 | Character: Elective

Subject:Architectural Projects
Minimum credits: 6 | Character: Elective

Subject:Construction and Installations
Minimum credits: 6 | Character: Elective

Subject:External internships
Minimum credits: 6 | Character: Elective
Note: In this subject a maximum of 6 ECTS can be carried out in external curricular internships (the syllabus contemplates a maximum of 6 ECTS for external curricular internships).

Module 4. Master’s thesis :12 ECTS mandatory

Subject:Master’s thesis
Minimum credits: 12 | Subject: Final Degree Project


Enhance your professional future with external internships during the master’s program.

During your training in the master’s program, you will have the opportunity to carry out external internships that will bring you closer to the real environment of professional activity. These experiences can take place in leading companies in the sector or in institutions linked to Innovation in the Habitat, giving you direct contact with the working world.

By doing this internship, you will be able to obtain up to 18 ECTS in the subject “Specific Electives”, thus adding an important academic value to your training. But, beyond the credits, the internships offer you:

  • Real work experience in a professional environment.
  • Development of key transversal skills for selection and job search processes.
  • A direct bridge to job opportunities at the end of your studies.

The ETSA’s Internship Unit will guide you through the entire process, from requirements to available offers.

Research and access to Ph.

The key research areas of the faculty involved in the degree are:

  • Architecture and Territory: Relationship between architecture, urbanism and rural sustainability.
  • Approaches in Architecture: Transversal methods and new ways of living.
  • Theory and Criticism: Critical analysis of contemporary architecture.
  • Research on Housing: Proposals for systematization and typological analysis.
  • Healthy Habitat: Innovations for well-being.
  • Transformable Housing: New housing alternatives and cooperatives.
  • Gender Perspectives: A study on female participation in architecture.
  • Real Estate Economics: Pricing and project feasibility analysis
  • Business Sustainability: Innovation in urban economy.
  • Rehabilitation: Efficiency in the integral rehabilitation of residential buildings.
  • Energy Efficiency: Life cycle and indoor environment improvement in buildings.
  • Solar Radiation and Illumination: Impact on the urban environment and daily life.
  • Construction Technology: Sustainability and use of new technologies.
  • Urban Development: Projects for social and tourism integration.

Academic exchange / agreements with other universities

ETSA has more than 130 active agreements with European and non-European Union schools, in addition to the UPV agreements managed by the OPII. The higher education institutions with which exchange agreements of interest for this degree are maintained are:

  • GRAZ Technical University of Graz
  • WIEN Fachhochschule-Studiengang `Präzisions-, System-U
  • ANTWERP Universiteit Antwerpen
  • WINTERT Schweizer Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften
  • AACHEN Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
  • BERLIN Technische Universität Berlin
  • HAMBURG Hafencity University Hamburg
  • HANNOVER Leibniz Universität Hannover
  • MUNCHEN Technische Universität München
  • MONTPEL Ecole Nationale Supérieure d`Architecture de Montpellier-Ensam
  • GENOVA Università degli Studi di Genova
  • MILANO Politecnico di Milano
  • TRONDHE Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet Ntnu
  • PORTO University of Porto
  • GDANSK Politechnika Gdanska
  • WARSZAW Politechnika Warszawska

Facilities and laboratories

The teaching of the master of MUHAB specialty is developed in the School of Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Valencia. The ETSA has teaching spaces in sufficient number and size to ensure a good organization of teaching. These spaces are the following:


  • 65 Classrooms, of different types and surfaces to meet the needs and demands of teaching. With adequate conditions for teaching in terms of furniture and equipment, sound, lighting and environmental comfort.
  • 6 Computer classrooms.


  • Laboratory of Graphic Techniques and 3D Computer Graphics Models
  • Architectural Drawing Laboratory
  • Computerized Graphic Expression Laboratory
  • Architectural Physics Laboratory
  • Physics Extension Laboratory
  • Acoustics Laboratory
  • Construction Materials Laboratory
  • Mechanical test room
  • Concrete test room
  • 6 Computer graphics laboratories

The Architectural Information Center (CIA) is an exclusive service of the School of Architecture to support teaching and research, as well as a space for group work.

Master’s Thesis

The Master’s Thesis will consist of an original exercise, carried out and defended individually, in which the knowledge, techniques and skills acquired in the Master’s program will be synthesized, with two modalities:

  • Research modality on contents worked on during the master’s degree and project experimentation.
  • Project mode, consisting of a comprehensive project on innovation in housing in the field of Architecture, of a professional nature, in which the skills acquired in the courses are synthesized.

It has a duration of 9 ECTS and will be evaluated by a Tribunal following the regulations established by the Universitat Politècnica de València.

Collaborating companies

The following company Chairs active at ETSA, as well as the entities and companies on which they depend, are involved in the specialized training offered by this master’s degree:

  • Housing Innovation Chair, in collaboration with GVA, agreement signed with DG Housing.
  • Maderamen Chair, in collaboration with GVA, agreement signed with the DG of Housing.
  • Chair in Urban Planning and Gender, in collaboration with GVA, agreement signed with DG of Territory.
  • Cátedra Living, signed with the company Living Ceramics.
  • Cátedra Blanca, signed with CIMSA.
  • Ascer Chair, signed with the Spanish Association of Ceramic Tile Manufacturers.

The relationship that ETSA maintains with the business world through the Business Chairs, makes it possible to bet on a specialized training eminently practical and rooted in the productive world, linked to the most relevant organizations and entities of the sector.

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