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Access requirements
In accordance with the rules for access to official Master’s degree courses reflected in Article 16 of Royal Decree 861/2010, of July 2, 2010, which amends Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29, 2007, which establishes the organization of official university education, in order to access official Master’s degree courses it will be necessary to hold an official Spanish university degree or another issued by a higher education institution belonging to another member state of the European Higher Education Area that entitles the holder to access Master’s degree courses in that country.
Likewise, graduates from educational systems outside the European Higher Education Area may be admitted without the need for the homologation of their degrees, after verification by the University that they accredit a level of training equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university degrees and that they qualify in the country issuing the degree for access to postgraduate studies. Access by this route will not imply, in any case, the homologation of the previous degree held by the interested party, nor its recognition for purposes other than that of taking the Master’s degree.
There are no specific entrance exams for this master’s degree.
Admission for disabled students
In the case of students with specific educational needs derived from disability, appropriate support and counseling services will be established to assess the needs of curricular adaptations, itinerary or alternative studies through the support of the UPV’s CEDAT foundation.
The UPV’s CEDAT Foundation offers information and advice to members of the university community with disabilities, as well as accompaniment and support in the classroom. It provides technical aids for the study to those students who, due to their special educational needs, require it. It promotes and manages training and employment actions for this group inside and outside the UPV campuses, and provides different services from its Special Employment Center. It also carries out projects for the elimination of architectural and urban barriers, Integral Accessibility Plans, accessibility audits, project reviews and advice and design of ideal models.
Admission criteria
The Master’s Academic Committee will base the admission of students on the academic record of the undergraduate degree as well as on postgraduate training and previous professional experience in the field of acoustic engineering.
Compliance with the requirements established in official regulations
Adequacy of the degree leading to the master’s degree
Academic record.
Demonstrated work experience in the field of acoustics
Proven experience in the field of acoustics.
Student motivation
In order to evaluate this aspect, applicants must submit with their pre-registration a letter of motivation specifying whether they are members of an official engineering association, whether they intend to write a doctoral thesis at the end of the master’s degree and any other aspect that the applicant considers appropriate.
Quantitatively, this evaluation of the candidates will be carried out using the following formula:
0.5 * (overall grade of the academic transcript of the bachelor’s degree for which access to the master’s degree is required) suitability coefficient + (number of years of professional experience in acoustic engineering [up to 3 points=3 years of experience])+ 0.2 (number of courses received within the field of acoustics [up to 5 courses])+ (1 point for other merits and motivation)
Language requirements
The Academic Committee of the Master of Acoustics establishes the following as a mandatory language requirement:
- Language: English
- Level: B2
- Target audience: foreign students from countries where English is not an official language.
Accepted supporting documents:
- Official certificates (First Certificate, or equivalent)
- Academic transcript showing the English course and grade.
If no certificate is available, but the candidate is considered competent in the use of the language at the required level, an interview may be requested with the direction of the master, in which the candidate’s linguistic competence may be checked. This request will be made in the letter of motivation enclosed with the application for admission.
Studies leading to an official university degree allow access to scholarships and grants. The Ministry of Education, the Generalitat Valenciana and the Universitat Politècnica de València itself offer various scholarships and grants.

General scholarships for students pursuing post-compulsory studies valid throughout the national territory. The scholarship will consist of exemption from payment of fees for the provision of university academic services (tuition fees), corresponding to subjects enrolled for the first time. Other fixed and variable amounts may also be obtained, if the requirements established for this purpose are met.

For the awarding of the scholarship it is necessary to prove administrative residence in the Valencian Community and not to exceed the income thresholds established by the call, as well as to comply with the general and academic requirements. The scholarship consists of the exemption from the payment of fees for the provision of university academic services (tuition fees), for subjects enrolled in first and second enrollment.
The Universitat Politècnica de València offers various scholarships or grants such as social action grants, canteen grants or collaboration training grants. There are also grants for sportsmen and women.
This link brings together all types of calls for bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral students: mobility grants, collaboration grants, research grants, internship grants, course grants…
Acoustic Engineering Master Scholarship
Spanish Society of Acoustics: More information
Pre-registration process
Pre-registration is the procedure used to order all the applications received by each university master’s degree, according to the access requirements that have been established and the evaluation of the merits presented by each applicant. It is a procedure that, at the Universitat Politècnica de València, is carried out through an online application and with a different (longer) deadline for students from outside the European Union. Those interested in applying for a place in this university master’s degree will find below the step-by-step instructions for pre-enrollment: deadlines, fees, documents, regulations…