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Description of the title
Acoustic engineering is a multidisciplinary area with a high demand for specific training in different fields: architectural acoustics (for insulation and acoustic conditioning), environmental acoustics (noise maps, partial plans, outdoor industrial noise, noise from mopeds and other vehicles, activity licensing), electroacoustics (design of loudspeaker boxes, public address systems, sound reinforcement and sound reinforcement), characterization of materials (ultrasound, standing wave systems, etc.), installations (air conditioning, machinery, etc.), safety and hygiene at work with regard to protection against noise from workers, underwater acoustics (location of objects, communication, sonar, etc.), underwater acoustics (location of objects, communication, sonar, etc.).), installations (air conditioning, machinery, etc.), occupational health and safety regarding noise protection of workers, underwater acoustics (object location, communication, sonar, etc.).
In addition, lately there has been a great increase in regulations requiring compliance with many acoustic conditions, such as in the regulations of the Noise Law, the basic noise protection document of the Technical Building Code, or the Royal Decree on the protection of the health and safety of workers against risks related to exposure to noise.
The Gandia campus of the UPV has a long history and specialization in this area, both from the teaching field, through the degree of Technical Telecommunications Engineering, specializing in Sound and Image, and in research and development (R+D+i), collaborating with major companies in the sector and carrying out research projects in all areas exposed by its faculty, mostly integrated in the Research Institute for Integrated Management of Coastal Areas.
Objectives of the degree
Main objective

The Master’s Degree in Acoustic Engineering trains professionals and researchers in the analysis and management of acoustics and its environmental impact. Graduates will learn to evaluate and mitigate noise pollution, design improvement projects in buildings, prepare acoustic reports and create audio systems. In addition, their entrepreneurial development and independent research will be encouraged. The program responds to the growing demand for experts in acoustics, training students to address problems in this field through the scientific method, and granting an official master’s degree according to the ECTS system in the European Higher Education Area. The main objective is to train professionals to respond to the demand for noise control and to design sound and ultrasound systems.
General objectives

Encourage self-training.

Develop comfort projects in the industry.

Communicate knowledge and results.

Perform noise and vibration testing and analysis.

Create acoustic projects and action plans.

Acoustic mapping and predictive modeling.

Manage and evaluate noise pollution.

Research and development of acoustics and vibration technology.

Verify the quality of the building and sound systems.

Design ultrasonic systems and their electronic devices.

Design and maintain audio systems.

To manage companies in the acoustic sector.
Career opportunities
Some of the most common career opportunities in the field of acoustics include roles in engineering, consulting, space design, research and more.
- Acoustic Engineer: Design and analysis of noise and vibration control systems in buildings, industrial environments and public spaces.
- Acoustic Consultant: Advise on construction projects, urban and environmental planning to ensure compliance with acoustic regulations.
- Space Designer: Creation of acoustically optimized spaces, such as auditoriums, concert halls and recording studios.
- Researcher: Participation in research projects in universities, research centers or laboratories focused on acoustics, psychoacoustics and new sound technologies.
- Technology Developer: I work in companies that design and manufacture acoustic measurement equipment, microphones, loudspeakers and sound systems.
- Environmental Auditor: Acoustic impact assessment of infrastructure and development projects, ensuring sustainability and community welfare.
- Educator/Trainer: Teaching in educational institutions, transmitting knowledge about acoustics and its applications.
- Sound Engineer: Specialization in music production, sound design for film, television and video games.
- Noise Control Technician: Implementation of measures to reduce noise pollution in urban and industrial environments.
Aimed primarily at
This program is aimed at professionals with training in various technical and scientific areas.
- Telecommunication Technical Engineers
- Telecommunication Engineers
- Industrial Engineers
- Industrial Engineers
- Civil Engineers
- Public Works Technical Engineers
- Technical architects
- Architects
- Graduates in Physical Sciences
- Graduates in Environmental Sciences
Structure of the master’s degree
Credits: 60 ECTS
Mandatory:38 ECTS |Electives:10 ECTS |External internships:0 ECTS |Final Master’s thesis (TFM):12 ECTS
Module 1. Common Module of the Master :38 compulsory ECTS
Subject:Methods and tools
Minimum credits: 14 | Character: Compulsory
Subject:Architectural, environmental and sound quality acoustics
Minimum credits: 16.5 | Character: Mandatory
Minimum credits: 7.5 | Character: Mandatory
Module 2. Specialization :10 ECTS mandatory
Subject:Professional Block
Minimum credits: 10 | Character: Elective
Subject:Research Block
Minimum credits: 10 | Character: Elective
Note: In this subject a maximum of 6 ECTS can be carried out in external curricular internships (the syllabus contemplates a maximum of 6 ECTS for external curricular internships).
Module 3. Master’s Thesis :12 ECTS final degree project
Subject:Master’s thesis
Minimum credits: 12 | Subject: Final Degree Project
From the Gandia Campus they will offer you all the possibilities to find the company that best suits your order to carry out the internship in a company.
Research and access to Ph.
These are the lines of research related:
- New recyclable acoustic materials
- Architectural acoustics
- Musical acoustics
- Audio treatment and processing
- Metamaterials and sound crystals
- Bio-medical ultrasound applications
- Underwater acoustics
- Astro-particle acoustics
You can also find information on access to Ph. for this Master’s Degree in Acoustic Engineering.
Academic exchange / agreements with other universities
During your master’s studies at the Gandia campus you can enjoy exchange scholarships to carry out courses and projects in other universities around the world. As a general rule, master’s students can apply for an exchange program from the second semester of the degree.
For more information, please read carefully the basis of each programalong with the regulations, scholarships, applications and everything related to your academic exchange.
Facilities and laboratories
Laboratories of the Acoustic Engineering area:
- Acoustics Laboratory. Location: Building B. Laboratory B009.
- Acoustic Chambers. Reverberant and Anechoic. Location: Building B. Laboratories B012.
- Acoustic Classroom. Location: Building B. Laboratories B006.
- Ultrasound Laboratory. Location: Building D. Laboratories D203
- Environmental Physics Laboratory. Location: Building D. Laboratories D204.
- (Optical Table). Optics Laboratory. Location: Building D. Laboratories D204 (Contiguous).
- (Workstations). Room for Servers and Computing Machines. Location: Building E. Laboratories E201 (Contiguous).
- Basic Laboratory 1: Building B. Laboratory B004.
- Digital Signal Processing Laboratory. Location: Building B. Laboratory B118
- Instrumentation Laboratory. Location: Building B. Room B221
You can find all the details of facilities and laboratories to familiarize yourself with the resources available in the Master’s program.
Master’s Thesis
The objective of the Master’s Final Project is to put into practice and develop the knowledge and skills acquired by the students during the different subjects of the Master.
The student, after carrying out a research or professional work, will write a report where the methodological and scientific bases of the work will be briefly exposed.
The evaluation of the Master’s Thesis is carried out through a public defense before a panel formed by 3 professors of the Master’s program chosen by lot.
The students will have 15 minutes to present their work. In addition, they will have previously written a report of less than 50 pages. Based on all this, as well as on the answers to the questions that each member of the examining board may ask, a grade will be awarded considering the following aspects:
- Originality of the work
- Clarity of presentation
- Structure and linguistic correctness of the Report
- Quality of bibliographic sources and references
- Compliance with the methodology and research techniques applied.
- Mastery of the subject and state of the art tested.