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Description of the title
The Master’s Degree in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering trains highly qualified specialists in the design, calculation, maintenance and rehabilitation of structures and foundations in the fields of architecture and civil and industrial engineering. Given the growing demand from consulting and construction companies, this program provides comprehensive training that includes both the fundamental principles of structures and the use of advanced technologies and recent regulations, such as the Structural Code, the Technical Building Code and the Eurocodes.
The curriculum covers several areas, such as:
- Design of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures.
- Design of metallic, mixed and wooden structures.
- Works in masonry.
- Seismic engineering and fire resistance.
- Dynamics of structures.
- Experimental techniques and delayed analysis.
- European legislation on structural and geotechnical engineering.
- Evaluation, rehabilitation and maintenance of structures and foundations.
This master’s degree is ideal for those seeking to broaden their horizons in the design of structures, using new materials and advanced experimental techniques. It is also a versatile complement to various disciplines such as civil, aeronautical, industrial, materials, mechanical and agricultural engineering, ensuring that professionals are kept up to date with the latest regulations and technologies in the field. The training is designed to train students in the development of innovative and efficient solutions, essential for the extension of the useful life of existing infrastructures and constructions.
Objectives of the degree
The Master’s Degree in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering aims to train students to design and calculate structures and their foundations, applied to residential and industrial buildings, singular constructions and civil works.
Training objectives:

Acquire the knowledge and skills that allow a theoretical understanding of structural and geotechnical engineering and its practical application.

To know, understand and be able to apply the current legislation in the European field of structural and geotechnical engineering.

Acquire scientific-technical and methodological training for the continuous recycling of knowledge in structural and geotechnical design and analysis.

To understand the multiple constraints that determine the design of a building or civil engineering structure, as well as its foundations.

Select suitable materials for structural systems, based on knowledge of the relationship between the structural form and the mechanical properties of the materials and the existing terrain.

Distinguish and apply numerical techniques specific to the field of structural and geotechnical engineering, which allow the analysis of their behaviour.

Analyse structures, soils and rocks by means of experimental techniques to describe their behaviour and evaluate their resistance capacity.

Conceive, design, plan, evaluate and maintain structures and their foundations, based on knowledge of their behaviour.
Career opportunities
Some of the main job opportunities are:
- Structural Engineer: Design and analysis of structures in buildings, bridges and other infrastructures.
- Geotechnical Engineer: Evaluation of soil behaviour and design of foundations and subway structures.
- Engineering Consultant: Advising companies on construction projects, ensuring compliance with regulations and standards.
- Construction Project Manager: Planning and supervision of construction projects, coordinating teams and resources.
- Researcher: Participation in research projects in universities or technological centres related to structural and geotechnical engineering.
- Teaching: Teaching in academic institutions on topics related to structural and geotechnical engineering.
- Public Works Engineer: Participation in the planning and execution of public infrastructure works, such as roads and dams.
- Judicial Expert: Evaluation of damages in structures and soils for expert reports in legal cases.
- Construction Site Safety Manager: Ensure that construction projects comply with safety standards.
- Sustainability Advisor: Implementation of sustainable practices in construction and rehabilitation projects.
Aimed primarily at
This program is oriented to graduates in technical areas.
- Architecture
- Road, canal and port engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Building engineering
- Technical architecture
- Technical engineering for public works
- Industrial engineering
- Materials engineering
- Aeronautical engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Agricultural engineering
- Construction engineering
- Industrial technical engineering
As well as other equivalent undergraduate degrees.
Structure of the master’s degree
Credits: 90 ECTS
Mandatory:72 ECTS |Electives:6 ECTS |External internships:0 ECTS |Final Master’s thesis (TFM):12 ECTS
Module 1. Compulsory training module :72 ECTS mandatory
Subject:Conceptual design of structures
Minimum credits: 9 | Character: Compulsory
Subject:Structural analysis
Minimum credits: 18 | Character: Compulsory
Subject:Structural design
Minimum credits: 22.5 | Character: Mandatory
Minimum credits: 12 | Character: Compulsory
Subject:Structural evaluation and maintenance
Minimum credits: 10.5 | Character: Mandatory
Module 2. Complementary training module :6 ECTS mandatory
Subject:Complementary training
Minimum credits: 6 | Character: Elective
Note: In this subject a maximum of 6 ECTS can be carried out in external curricular internships (the syllabus contemplates a maximum of 6 ECTS for external curricular internships).
Module 3. Master’s Final Project :12 ECTS Final Degree Project
Subject:Master’s Final Project
Minimum credits: 12 | Subject: Final Degree Project
The current Syllabus of the Master’s Degree in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering provides that students can perform both extracurricular and curricular internships as complementary training, up to a maximum of 6 credits of external curricular internships within the Electives. Students can carry out internships through the collaboration mechanisms that exist in the Universitat Politècnica de València with companies related to the field of the master’s degree.
To be enrolled in the university education to which the competences to be acquired by the student are linked, in this case, the Master’s Degree in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering. This means that the training content of the internship to be carried out will be based on the acquisition of the competences of this degree and not on the performance of tasks inherent to previous degrees of access to these studies.
More information at: > Company
Periods of realization
The internship in a company/institution must take place within the academic year in which you are enrolled (from September 1 to August 31), and will have a maximum duration of 8 hours/day (40 hours/week), and a minimum dedication of 10 hours/week.
Typology of practices
The curricular internships are those in which students may perform during their training period, to contribute to their comprehensive training, to the development of their technical, methodological, personal and participatory skills by obtaining a first practical experience, which favors the values of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship, facilitating their insertion in the labor market, and which are part of the Study Plan.
Extracurricular internships are those that students perform on a voluntary basis, during their academic period, contributing to their comprehensive training and the development of their technical, methodological, personal and participatory skills by obtaining a first practical experience, which favors the values of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship, facilitating the insertion in the labor market. Since they are voluntary, and do NOT require prior registration, they will not appear on the academic transcript, although they are recognized as university activities, and therefore will appear after their evaluation (Pass/Fail) in the European Diploma Supplement. A maximum of 900 hours of extracurricular internships can be done throughout the degree, since these are counted at 40% of the credits that make up the degree.
Search for internships
- By consulting the internship offers published in the ETSICCP’s own application, at (ETSICCP Intranet), where you must also add your CV. In this case you will participate on an equal footing with your fellow applicants in a selection period by the company.
- The student can also find an internship on his/her own in a company where he/she has contacts, or found by some other means (written or digital press, websites, social networks…).
All the regulations on Internships are available both on the website of the SIE as on the page of the School. The documentation to be completed, the Educational Cooperation Agreement, can be found in the web page of the SIE Documentation that must be completed, signed and stamped by the company, and delivered to the ETSICCP Internship Unit in the ways and deadlines established by the UPV. Regarding the economic exchange, established and approved by the Board of Center of the ETSICCP, there is a minimum endowment of 5 € / hour and a maximum of perception of 1200 € per month.
Research and access to Ph.
The Doctoral Program in Transport Infrastructures and Territory is attached to the Doctoral School of the Universitat Politècnica de València. The objective is to channel the lines of research in the field of engineering and transport infrastructures that can be generated, from the specific areas of the research institutes rooted in the School of Civil Engineering, with some participation of research professors from the School of Architecture, in relation to the necessary link between transport infrastructures and the territory and urban planning.
Doctorate Program in Transport and Territorial Infrastructures
Among them, there is a research institute directly linked as it is called the Institute for Research in Transport and Territory (ITRAT).
In addition, ICITECH is a University Research Institute integrated in the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV).
- National and international reference center
- Adaptation to the needs of each moment
- Multidisciplinary: Construction stages
- New materials
- Structural typologies
- Extraordinary actions
Academic exchange / agreements with other universities
The Master’s Degree in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering contemplates the possibility of academic exchanges with other universities in similar postgraduate programs through the instruments of the Exchange Office of the Universitat Politècnica de València.
The Office of International Exchange Programs -OPII- coordinates UPV’s participation in exchange programs worldwide. It manages mobility programs sponsored by the EU as well as its own programs financed entirely by the UPV, aimed at students as well as teaching-research and administrative staff.
- Worldwide exchange programs
- EU-sponsored mobility programs
- UPV-funded programs
You will also find information on the International Relations Office of the School of Civil Engineering
Facilities and laboratories
The Master has as its own resources the following: a specific classroom for the teaching of theoretical and practical classes in groups; in addition, this classroom is equipped to carry out live telematic classes and shared via Internet. A computer classroom, fully equipped, for all computer laboratory practical classes.
Specifically, a classroom located on the 1st floor of Building 4Q will be assigned to teach computer practices, while for experimental laboratory practices, the School and the associated Departments have the:
- Geotechnical, Soil Mechanics and Rock Mechanics Laboratory (Building 4I) for the teaching of the practices of this Master’s Degree.
It includes tools for the automatic extraction of soil samples and the carving of rock samples. A muffle furnace is available for high-temperature tests (up to 1300 °C) and various mechanical soil tests are performed, such as compressive strength, odometers and expansivity and collapse tests. Excavability and rock durability tests are also carried out, as well as soil tubification tests and ultrasonic analysis. Triaxial tests are performed, and scale models are created to study hydraulic instabilities in soils. In addition, microscopes and a petrology collection are available for rock analysis.
Master’s Thesis
The Master’s Thesis (TFM) consists of the completion, presentation and defense of an individual work and must be related to Structural and Geotechnical Engineering. The nature of the work may be professional and/or research, and must synthesize and integrate knowledge acquired during the teaching phase of the degree.
It will be developed under the supervision of an academic tutor of the master’s degree and, if necessary due to its complexity, it may have co-tutors and an experimental director. In case the work is carried out in institutions outside the UPV, a non-teaching co-tutor who is a professional expert in the subject may be included.
The TFM, which may have an academic or research orientation, must deal with aspects related to concrete engineering, either of an experimental or theoretical nature. The student must defend his or her work publicly before a university tribunal, in accordance with university regulations.
During the defense, you will present an oral summary of the most relevant aspects of your dissertation, followed by a discussion with the panel on the content and presentation. Finally, the examining board will issue its grade, thus concluding the defense process.
This work must reflect the knowledge, skills and competencies acquired by the student during his/her studies, as established in the verification report.