Official title

90 credits




Spanish – B2


UPV Vera Campus Site (Valencia)

MUIH Advisory Board

The Advisory Council of the Master’s Degree in Concrete Engineering (MUIH) is an advisory body of the Department of Construction Engineering and Civil Engineering Projects (DICPIC). It is made up of professionals of recognized prestige and representatives of organizations of the Concrete Engineering sector who advise the Department on strategic and future issues related to the visibility of the degree, the improvement of the quality and innovation of the training, or the relationship with the professional and social world. This Council will meet at least once a year to analyze the operation and results of the degree, as well as to provide an outside view on the strategic lines of future of the degree.

ChairmanMr. José Luis Bonet Senach (Director).
SecretaryMr. Pedro I. Jaén Gómez (Secretary).
Academic Director of the Degree: Mrs. M. Carmen Castro Bugallo.
Academic Assistant DirectorMr. Víctor Yepes Piqueras.

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