The students of the subject “Structural Typology” of the Master in Concrete Engineering of the UPV had the opportunity to make a trip to the city of Madrid with the intention of knowing outstanding works and structural engineering offices. The fourteen students were able to learn how important civil engineering and building structures are designed and built in the Spanish capital from outstanding designers.
Some of the works visited were the footbridges of the Madrid Río project, the Zarzuela racecourse, the La Paloma footbridge, the Juan Bravo bridge over the Castellana and the Club de Campo Villa de Madrid roof. In addition, the students visited the structural engineering offices of prominent designers such as Carlos Fernández Casado S. L., Peter Tanner ( Eduardo Torroja Institute, Cesma Engineers) and Arturo Ruiz de ar2v:engineering.
“The visit has allowed the students to directly experience many concepts seen in the subject “History and Aesthetics of Structural Concrete” such as the interaction of structural engineering with architecture, art, society and landscape or the critical evaluation of constructions,” he says Ignacio Payáprofessor at MUIH;
“What I would most like to highlight from this visit is the commitment of the teacher to transmit to the students his passion for the design of structures, for opening our minds to see beyond the paper and for giving us the privilege of meeting companies with excellent people willing to talk to us with kindness, respect and answer all doubts, no matter how small they may be,” he says;Wendy FlórezMUIH alumna.