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Description of the title
The Master’s Degree in Concrete Engineering (MUIH) is an official program with international recognition (EUR-ACE seal), which guarantees that the studies meet the professional requirements of engineering. This master’s degree is taught by the Department of Construction Engineering and Civil Engineering Projects of the Universitat Politècnica de València and offers both professional and scientific training, facilitating continuity towards doctoral studies.
Concrete, as the most widely used construction material today, has driven significant advances in the industry, being fundamental in prefabrication. The program addresses the study of binders, additions, and the correlation between the microscopic and macroscopic properties of concrete, exploring its multiple aspects. Emphasis is placed on criteria of quality, safety, sustainability, development cooperation and corporate social responsibility.
With a duration of one and a half years, the master’s degree is organized in two courses and three semesters, and is characterized by its face-to-face teaching in Spanish, with small groups that facilitate learning. Students have the opportunity to carry out internships in companies and access collaboration scholarships, as well as participate in national and international research projects.
The program is multidisciplinary, covering topics such as concrete durability, design and rehabilitation of structures, as well as cement chemistry, hydration and properties of concrete. Mineral admixtures and their impact on durability are also discussed, as well as numerical modeling techniques and the analysis of structures, including bridges and precast elements. Continuous learning assessment is emphasized, which considers class participation, assignments and exams, with a focus on fairness in grading.
It also emphasizes sustainability and waste valorization in construction, as well as aesthetic analysis and the history of concrete. In summary, the MUIH covers a wide range of technical and practical knowledge in the field of concrete and its application in civil engineering, offering a high rate of employability and an excellent gateway to the world of work.
Objectives of the degree
Main objective

The main objective of this master’s degree is to provide a broad knowledge of concrete as a construction material, as well as to provide the necessary skills for the analysis and design of concrete structures. These studies are aimed at training professionals, researchers and teachers, as well as specialists in all aspects and fields related to concrete, taking into account criteria of quality, safety, sustainability, development cooperation and corporate social responsibility, in order to know and achieve the following aspects:
General objectives

Physicochemical and technological properties of concretes and their conventional and advanced constituent materials, their manufacture and applications.

Evaluation and diagnosis of structural concrete constructions, and the methods, mechanisms and means for their repair and rehabilitation.

Physicochemical and technological properties of materials for the repair of structural concrete constructions and their applications.

Mechanical-resistant behavior of structural concrete constructions, its numerical modeling and experimental analysis.

Construction procedures, machinery and auxiliary means for the construction of conventional and singular concrete structures.

Design, optimization and design of concrete constructions.

Durability of concrete constructions and protective measures.

Industrialized construction and prefabrication.

Environmental aspects and life cycle of concrete.
Career opportunities
Some of the most outstanding options are:
- Structural engineer: Design and analyze concrete structures in buildings, bridges and other infrastructure.
- Materials consultant: Working in companies that develop or use concrete, optimizing its use and properties.
- Project Manager: Manage construction projects, ensuring that deadlines and quality standards are met.
- Researcher: To contribute to research in new technologies and methods for concrete improvement.
- Teaching: Teaching at universities or technical training centers on concrete behavior and applications.
- Quality inspector: Ensure that materials and works comply with established regulations and standards.
- Construction manager: Supervise and coordinate teams in projects using concrete, ensuring its correct execution.
- Sustainability expert: Work on the implementation of sustainable practices in the use and recycling of concrete.
Aimed primarily at
The Master’s Degree in Concrete Engineering is aimed at professionals with various degrees in the field of engineering and architecture, as well as other equivalent undergraduate degrees.
- Civil Engineers
- Public Works Technical Engineers
- Civil Engineers
- Chemical Engineers
- Industrial Engineers
- Industrial Technical Engineers
- Architects
- Technical Architects
- Materials Engineers
- Agricultural Engineers
- Agricultural Technical Engineers
Structure of the master’s degree
Credits: 90 ECTS
Mandatory:60 ECTS |Electives:15 ECTS |External internships:0 ECTS |Final Master’s thesis (TFM):15 ECTS
Module 1. Fundamental Module :60 ECTS mandatory
Subject:Constituent materials and durability of concrete
Minimum credits: 20 | Character: Compulsory
Subject:Analysis of concrete structures
Minimum credits: 20 | Character: Compulsory
Subject:Conception and design of concrete structures
Minimum credits: 20 | Character: Compulsory
Module 2. Multidisciplinary module :15 ECTS mandatory
Subject:Concrete construction and technology
Minimum credits: 15 | Character: Compulsory
Note: In this subject a maximum of 5 ECTS can be taken in external curricular internships (the curriculum contemplates a maximum of 5 ECTS for external curricular internships).
Module 3. Master’s Thesis :15 ECTS final degree project
Subject:Master’s Thesis
Minimum credits: 15 | Subject: Final Degree Project
The current Syllabus of the Master’s Degree in Concrete Engineering contemplates that students can carry out both extracurricular and curricular internships. Students can carry out internships through the collaboration mechanisms that exist in the Universitat Politècnica de València with companies related to construction in general, and concrete in particular.
Curricular internships are those in which students may perform during their training period, to contribute to their comprehensive training, to the development of their technical, methodological, personal and participatory skills by obtaining a first practical experience, which favors the values of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship, facilitating their insertion in the labor market, and which are part of the Study Plan. As they are part of a defined subject, they will require prior registration, which should be done only when there is a company in which to carry out the internship. Registration can be done at any time of the year. A maximum of 125 curricular hours may be completed, which is equivalent to 5 ECTS credits.
Extracurricular internships are those that students perform on a voluntary basis, during their academic period, contributing to their comprehensive training and the development of their technical, methodological, personal and participatory skills by obtaining a first practical experience, which favors the values of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship, facilitating the insertion in the labor market. Since they are voluntary, and do NOT require prior registration, they will not appear on the academic transcript, although they are recognized as university activities, and therefore will appear after their evaluation (Pass/Fail) in the European Diploma Supplement. A maximum of 900 hours of extracurricular internships can be done throughout the degree, since these are counted at a rate of 40% of the credits that make up the degree.
Be enrolled in the university education to which the competences to be acquired by the student are linked, in this case, the Master’s Degree in Concrete Engineering (MUIH). This means that the training content of the internship to be carried out will be based on the acquisition of the competences of this degree and not on the performance of tasks inherent to previous degrees of access to these studies.
Periods of realization:
The internship in a company/institution must take place within the academic year in which you are enrolled (from September 1 to August 31), and will have a maximum duration of 8 hours/day (40 hours/week), and a minimum dedication of 10 hours/week.
Search for internships:
The student can obtain an internship through two systems:
- By consulting the internship offers published in the ETSICCP’s own application, at (ETSICCP Intranet), where you must also add your CV. In this case you will participate on an equal footing with your fellow applicants in a selection period by the company.
- The student can also find an internship on his/her own in a company where he/she has contacts, or found by some other means (written or digital press, websites, social networks…).
All the regulations on Internships are available both on the website of the SIE as on the page of the School. The documentation to be completed, the Educational Cooperation AgreementThis documentation must be completed, signed and stamped by the company, and delivered to the ETSICCP Internship Unit in the manner and within the deadlines established by the UPV. With regard to the economic exchange, established and approved by the Board of the ETSICCP Center, there is a minimum endowment of 5 € / hour and a maximum perception of 1200 € per month.
Research and access to Ph.
By taking this Master’s program, you can continue your studies with the Doctorate in Construction Engineering in which you will learn more about the methodologies related to construction.
In addition, you will be able to familiarize yourself with and be part of theICITECH.
TheUniversity Research Instituteintegrated in the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). Created in 2004 from the need to create a quality and competitive research group in the field of construction.
It combines basic and applied research, and a high component of transfer to industry, its characteristics are:
- National and international reference center
- Adaptation to the needs of each moment
- Multidisciplinary: Construction stages
- New materials
- Structural typologies
- Extraordinary actions
Academic exchange / agreements with other universities
The Master’s Degree in Concrete Engineering contemplates the possibility of academic exchanges with other universities in similar postgraduate programs through the instruments of the Exchange Office of the Universitat Politècnica de València.
The Office of International Exchange Programs -OPII- coordinates the participation of the UPV in exchange programs worldwide. It manages mobility programs sponsored by the EU, as well as its own programs, financed entirely by the UPV, aimed at students as well as teaching-research and administrative staff.
Facilities and laboratories
The Master’s own resources include the followingA specific classroom for theoretical and practical classes in groups; this classroom is also equipped for live and shared telematic classes via Internet. A computer room, fully equipped, for all computer laboratory practical classes. A chemistry, materials and structures laboratory for carrying out the necessary laboratory tests. A fully equipped video-conference room.

Concrete Laboratory
- It consists of a 6-meter high heavy warehouse with two overhead cranes of 5 TN capacity.
- Test slab of 11×5 meters with anchors distributed at one meter spacing.
- Two movable porticoes composed of gewi bars, capitals, bases and lintels.
- A hydraulic power plant with 250 Bar working pressure to apply the load of the different hydraulic jacks: 100, 50, 20 TN respectively.

Materials Laboratory
- Large capacity climatic chambers, adapted to work with special concretes (fiber concrete, self-compacting, high and very high strength concretes).
- High temperature effects measurement system.
- Standard testing equipment for cements, aggregates, steels and concretes.
- Concrete mixers from 30 to 250 l.
- Compression presses up to 300 tons (3000 kN).

Chemistry Laboratory
- Thermal analysis (TG/ DTA).
- Granulometry by laser diffraction.
- Conduction polymeter.
- Infrared spectroscopy.
- Viscosity.
- Sample conditioning.

Structural Elements Laboratory
- 20 actuators from 10 to 5000 kN.
- Centralized system of hydraulic loading units.
- Capability of full-scale construction tests.
- Possibility of combining solicitations in different directions.
- 32×15 m² test slab with 500 kN capacity anchors every meter.
- Three-dimensional reaction wall, 14 m high.
- Data acquisition equipment with many strain, load and displacement sensors.
Master’s Thesis
The Master’s Thesis (TFM) consists of the completion, presentation and defense of an individual work and must be related to Concrete Engineering. The nature of the work can be professional and/or research, and must synthesize and integrate knowledge acquired during the teaching phase of the degree.
This work must be defended before a university tribunal constituted according to the regulations of the university. In the act of public defense, the student must orally present a summary of the most relevant aspects of his TFM. Once the presentation is finished, the panel will debate with the student on those aspects it considers appropriate, both of the TFM report and its presentation. Once the debate is over, the examining board issues its grade, concluding the defense.
The Master’s Thesis will be developed by the student under the supervision of an academic tutor (PDI) professor of the master’s degree. Additionally, if the complexity of the work so requires, the student may have one or more academic co-tutors and an experimental director. Only in the case that the work is carried out in institutions outside the UPV it is possible to have a non-teaching co-tutor, a professional external to the master’s degree, who is an expert in the subject of the work.
The Master’s Thesis is the work carried out by the student, with an orientation that can be academic or research. It deals with any of the aspects developed throughout the Master’s course, related to concrete engineering in any of its various aspects. It can be experimental or theoretical in nature. It requires the tutoring of at least one professor of the master’s degree, who will act as its director. Subsequently, it requires a public defense before a panel of judges.