Description of the title
The Master’s Degree in Mathematical Research has a double academic/research and professional aspect that aims to respond to different situations. On the one hand, it is the entry route to the PhD program in Mathematics (interuniversity UPV-UV), and is aimed at students whose objective is to start a research career with a view to the completion of a doctoral thesis. But, on the other hand, it aims to respond to the growing demand in various fields for professionals with a solid mathematical background. Thus, the Master is also aimed at recent graduates or professionals who want to complete their mathematical training with a view to their insertion or promotion in the labor market.
The Master has the participation of professors from both Universities with a long and solid teaching and research career in the different areas of Mathematics, both fundamental and applied. We also have the collaboration of external professors, prestigious researchers from other universities. In order to facilitate compatibility with a simultaneous work activity with the Master, part-time enrollment and dispensation of class attendance is facilitated.
Objectives of the degree
Main objective

The main objective of the Master is to introduce students to the basic techniques of current mathematical research, both for students interested in developing a research career, as well as for those oriented to a professional career in other fields.
Specific objectives

The training of new researchers through the completion of a doctoral thesis, after passing the required teaching and research credits.

The acquisition of high-level mathematical tools for various applications covering the expectations of graduates in mathematics, engineering and other basic sciences.

To provide members of the Technology Departments with access to courses with significant mathematical content.

To promote the use of advanced mathematical techniques in the scientific activity of Institutes, Laboratories, Research Centers, Non-Conventional Research Structures and others in the Valencian Community.

Complementing the training of secondary school teachers, engineers or science graduates.

Acquire a broad view of the current landscape in mathematical research.
Career opportunities
The Master’s Degree in Mathematical Research (MUIMA) is aimed primarily at graduates who wish to broaden their training in the field of mathematics.
- To broaden training in the field of mathematics.
Aimed primarily at
The Master’s Degree in Mathematical Research is aimed at graduates of degrees with a strong mathematical component, who wish to increase and strengthen their skills.
- Graduates in Mathematics
- Data Science
- Statistics
- Physics
- Engineering
- Chemistry
- Economic
Structure of the master’s program
Credits: 60 ECTS
Mandatory:18 ects |Electives:24 ects |External internships:0 ects |Final Master’s thesis (TFM):18 ects
Module 1. Mandatory Module :18 ects mandatory
Minimum credits: 3 | Character: Mandatory
Minimum credits: 6 | Character: Mandatory
Minimum credits: 3 | Character: Mandatory
Minimum credits: 6 | Character: Mandatory
Minimum credits: 0 | Character: Elective
Minimum credits: 0 | Character: Elective
Module 3. FINAL PROJECT :18 ects mandatory
Minimum credits: 18 | Character: Final Degree Project
The curriculum of the Master’s Degree in Mathematical Research does not include an internship in a company. However, extracurricular internships can be carried out on a voluntary basis during the training period. Although they are not part of the study plan, they are reflected in the European Diploma Supplement, in accordance with current regulations. The management of internships is carried out by the UPV Official Master’s Degree Internship Unit.
Research and access to Ph.
The Master’s Degree in Mathematical Research is the natural access route to the Interuniversity Doctorate Program (UPV-UV) in Mathematics.
Academic exchange / agreements with other universities
There is a collaboration agreement with the Università di Ferrara (Italy) to obtain a double degree, thus obtaining a master’s degree in Spain and in Italy (Laurea Magistrale).
Master’s Thesis
The Master’s Thesis is the culmination of the study plan. A report must be presented and defended under the supervision of one or more tutors. In addition to acquiring and developing the specific knowledge of the chosen subject, the student will acquire the transversal competences defined by the UPV:
- Social and environmental commitment
- Innovation and creativity
- Teamwork and leadership
- Effective communication
- Responsibility and decision making