Official title

60 credits



Spanish – B2


UPV Gandia Campus Site (Valencia)

In detail

Page content

Description of the title

The tourism sector has historically been a pioneer in the introduction of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The integral and integrated application of technologies in tourist destinations leads us to the concept of Tourism Intelligence, understood as the coherent and harmonious interrelation of the basic pillars of tourism development and sustainability, using and taking advantage of ICTs.

Tourism Intelligence means collecting and taking advantage of data generated by users to understand their motivations and needs, improve and adjust supply to demand efficiently, but above all to support strategic decision-making in a destination and/or tourism company.

Tourism Intelligence is an excellent way to plan and manage tourism, achieving a broad and orderly development based on innovation, governance, accessibility, sustainability and connectivity.

Objectives of the degree

The main objective of MuInTur is the integration of technological solutions and models of tourism intelligence for data collection, processing, analysis and interpretation of the same, which favor decision-making in a company or tourist destination.

Holistically, it will deepen the knowledge of the main technological tools at the service of tourism companies and administrations in terms of customer management, visitor control, access to resources, promotion and marketing of tourism products and destinations.

The purpose is for students to be able to understand and assimilate the integral process followed for tourism management through the capture and exploitation of data, its treatment and presentation for decision-making.

All this will be based on the management of information and exploitation of our own data obtained from customers and other external sources.

Career opportunities

The curricular development of the Master’s Degree in Tourism Intelligence is based on the principles contained in the model of Intelligent Tourism Destination (DTI) proposed by the Valencian Institute of Tourism Research (Invat-tur), which has been adopted by the Secretary of State for Tourism (SEGITUR). For the selection of the competences of the degree, the information gathered in the White Paper for a New Tourism Strategy for the Valencian Community, prepared by the University of Alicante, with the participation of a large part of the business and academic ecosystem, has been considered.

As a result of the conclusions of the White Paper, the Strategic Tourism Plan of the Valencian Community 2020/2025 has been developed. That is to say, the students of the master’s degree will have the basic skills that tourism professionals are expected to have in the coming years, combining information technologies, data analytics and tourism strategy.

Aimed primarily at

Degrees and bachelor’s degrees in the branch of Economics and Social Sciences are considered to be the most suitable for access to this master’s degree and in particular the following degrees mentioned:

  • Tourism, ADE and Double Degree Tourism-ADE.
  • The reference degree used for the design of the study plan is the Degree in Tourism taught at the EPSG of the UPV.

Applicants with degrees whose competencies are different from the above will be evaluated by the Master’s Academic Committee.

All students entering the master’s program must have taken at least 12 credits in quantitative methods: univariate statistical inference, descriptive statistics, spreadsheets, etc.

Structure of the master’s degree

Mandatory:42 ects |Electives:6 ects |External internships:0 ects |Final Master’s thesis (TFM):12 ects

Module 1. Mandatory Module :42 ects mandatory

Subject:Tourism Information Systems
Minimum credits: 12 | Character: Compulsory

Subject:Tourism Information Analysis
Minimum credits: 12 | Character: Compulsory

Subject:Tourism Governance and Management
Minimum credits: 18 | Character: Compulsory

Module 2. Professional Development Module :6 ects electives

Subject:Innovation and Technology Management
Minimum credits: 4 | Character: Elective

Subject:Seminars and Conferences
Minimum credits: 2 | Character: Elective

Module 3. Master’s Thesis Module :12 ects final degree project

Subject:Master’s Thesis
Minimum credits: 12 | Subject: Final Degree Project


The Professional Development Module is optional. This module aims to bring the future graduate closer to the professional practice and to deepen the acquisition of general competences related to professional practice. The student also has the possibility of covering part or all of these credits through external professional internships.

Collaborating companies

Different institutions and people related to the tourism sector have shown their support for MuInTur’s proposal:

  • Turisme Comunitat Valenciana (Autonomous Secretariat of Tourism)
  • Invat.tur (Address)
  • Gandia City Council (Mayor’s Office)
  • Urbalab (Address)
  • La Safor Businessmen’s Center (Presidency)
  • Hotel Businessmen Association (Presidency)
  • Revenue Mng.& E-commerce (Management)
  • Fundación Turismo Valencia (Management Direction)

Master’s Final Project

In this section, you can find all the relevant information about the TFM’s (regulations, deadlines, etc.) at the Higher Polytechnic School of Gandia (EPSG)

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