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Description of the title
The Master’s Degree in Materials Engineering, Processing and Characterization (MUIPCM) is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge that encompasses the study of the structure, properties, processing and applications of all types of materials; metallic, ceramic, polymers and biological.
Materials characterization and processing encompasses not only traditional structural materials but also functional materials, nanomaterials, ecomaterials and biomaterials.
This young discipline is essential to enhance industrial capacity, technological innovation and improve the quality of our lives. It also addresses the studies of the behavior of these materials, as well as the development of the latest technologies in the prediction of their behavior.
It is taught at the Escuela Politécnica Superior de Alcoy (campus of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia), with more than 150 years of experience in the training of university professionals and recently renovated and expanded facilities.
This master’s degree is focused on training two professional profiles: on the one hand, the student will be qualified to become a manager in the R&D&I department. They will also be able to access research technician jobs in specialized centers.
Objectives of the degree
Main objective

The main objective is to offer students a unique opportunity to broaden their academic and technical training in the field of next-generation materials, their transformation possibilities and nanotechnologies. This training is focused on the initiation of their research career as well as the access to the labor market where they can apply the knowledge acquired in the Master. Additionally, it will serve to prepare the student for the doctoral program.
General objectives

The general objective of the degree is the acquisition by the student of advanced training, of a specialized and multidisciplinary nature, oriented towards academic specialization. After this specialization, students who so wish may initiate research work within the lines of research promoted by the faculty participating in the master’s degree. In short, the aim is to form curricular lines with an interdisciplinary technical preparation; prepared to work with any type of materials (metallic, polymers, ceramics or biological) as well as their means of transformation.

The characterization of all types of material properties at any stage of the production and transformation process. For this purpose, the student will be able to use conventional and some advanced techniques, as well as to interpret the information obtained from sophisticated and novel techniques.

The use of materials in conventional and advanced applications, including design, by means of advanced modeling and simulation tools, using materials with a wide variety of properties and in common and emerging applications (composites, nano, eco and biomaterials).

Working in multidisciplinary groups that require a specialist in Materials Engineering and its advanced manufacturing techniques with the ability to collaborate with professionals with other specializations.

Research in teams that require experts in Materials Science and Technology and their transformation for their performance.

The selection and design of materials for specific applications based on the corresponding specifications.

The use of nanomaterials, processing and characterization.

The transformation of materials.

Materials manufacturing.
Career opportunities
Some of the most relevant outlets are:
- Materials Researcher: You can work in research institutions, universities or laboratories, developing new materials or improving existing ones.
- Process Engineer: In manufacturing companies, you would be in charge of optimizing material production processes, ensuring quality and efficiency.
- Quality Control Specialist: Work in the evaluation and control of the quality of materials in industries such as automotive, aeronautics or electronics.
- Technical Consultant: Advise companies on material selection, manufacturing processes and product optimization.
- Product Development: Participate in the design and development of new products using innovative materials.
- Project Management: Lead projects related to the development and application of new materials in different sectors.
- Teaching and Academic Research: Teaching at universities and participating in research projects.
- Energy Sector: Work on the development of materials for renewable energies, batteries, or storage technologies.
- Biomedical Industry: Participate in the design and development of materials for medical and biomedical applications.
Aimed primarily at
Degrees that give access to the Master’s Degree in Engineering, Processing and Characterization of Materials:
- Degree in Electrical Engineering
- Degree in Electronic Engineering
- Degree in Mechanical Engineering
- Degree in Chemical Engineering
- Degree in Industrial Design Engineering and Product Development
- Technical Industrial Engineering (Electrical, Electronic, Mechanical, Chemical or Textile Engineering)
- Technical Engineering in Industrial Design
- Degree in Computer Engineering
- Technical Engineering in Computer Management
Any other Engineering Degree that complies with the legally established requirements or an international degree equivalent in content to the aforementioned.
Structure of the master’s degree
Credits: 90 ECTS
Mandatory:42 ects |Electives:36 ects |External internships:0 ects |Final Master’s thesis (TFM):12 ects
Module 1. Compulsory :42 ects mandatory
Minimum credits: 24 | Character: Compulsory
Minimum credits: 13.5 | Character: Mandatory
Minimum credits: 4.5 | Character: Mandatory
Module 2. Electives :36 ects mandatory
Subject:Fibers and textile structures
Minimum credits: 4.5 | Character: Elective
Subject:Membrane manufacturing and applications
Minimum credits: 4.5 | Character: Elective
Subject:Composite materials
Minimum credits: 4.5 | Character: Elective
Subject:Eco-efficient materials
Minimum credits: 4.5 | Character: Elective
Subject:Flexible manufacturing systems
Minimum credits: 4.5 | Character: Elective
Subject:Materials technologies and applications
Minimum credits: 4.5 | Character: Elective
Subject:Diagnosis and in-service behavior
Minimum credits: 4.5 | Character: Elective
Subject:Simulation techniques in forming processes
Minimum credits: 4.5 | Character: Elective
Subject:Design, calculation of mechanical developments and prototypes
Minimum credits: 4.5 | Character: Elective
Subject:CAE applications in advanced materials
Minimum credits: 4.5 | Character: Elective
Minimum credits: 4.5 | Character: Elective
Subject:Conductive polymers
Minimum credits: 4.5 | Character: Elective
Minimum credits: 9 | Character: Elective
Note: In this subject a maximum of 9 ECTS can be carried out in external curricular internships (the syllabus contemplates a maximum of 9 ECTS for external curricular internships).
Module 3. Final Master’s thesis :12 ects final degree project
Subject:Master’s thesis
Minimum credits: 12 | Subject: Final Degree Project
Within the framework of the MUIPCM, you can do external internships in companies.
The Study Plan contemplates up to a maximum of 9 ECTS of curricular internships, which are equivalent to 225 hours of in-company internships.
It is possible to complete the training in external extracurricular internships, up to a maximum of 900 additional hours.
In the Master’s program, internships can be carried out in companies in any course and semester (with the maximum number of hours previously defined). The teaching load in the 1st year is quite high, while in the 2nd year, the conditions are more suitable for internships, since the teaching load is lower. However, if your timetable allows you to combine the internship with your teaching activity, you can do an internship in a company in the semester of your choice.
The purpose of the Educational Cooperation Programs (commonly known as Internships in Companies) is to allow students of the Alcoy Campus to spend time in a company or institution performing tasks related to their professional future.
Students who do internships in companies have the opportunity to learn to solve real problems by applying the knowledge acquired during their studies, to work in a business hierarchy, to work in teams, and to communicate with clients, suppliers, etc., thus having experiences of responsibility that provide them with a useful background for their future business performance.
For this reason we encourage you to participate in this useful program to improve your chances of finding a job in the near future.
Research and access to Ph.
The possibilities of study for a PhD through this master’s program The following are some of the doctoral programs related to the branch of industrial sciences and engineering:
- Doctorate Program in Experimental Techniques in Chemistry
- PhD Program in Sustainable Chemistry
- D. Program in Chemistry
- Doctorate Program in Industrial Engineering and Production
- PhD Program in Design, Manufacturing and Management of Industrial Projects
Academic exchange / agreements with other universities
In order to improve your resume, increase your skills and thus be better valued by employers, the Master offers you the possibility to spend time abroad through various international exchange programs.
The management of the mobility programs is carried out through the Office of International Exchange Programs (OPII) at the Alcoy Campuswhich gives general support to all the academic exchange management of the master’s program.
It is necessary to be a student enrolled in the Master’s program and to have a B1 level of English to be eligible for these mobilities.
There are three possibilities:
Erasmus Academic– For mobilities in universities in European Union countries.
- Mobility in semester 2A – In order to carry out the 18 ECTS of electives of the Master, the 12 ECTS of TFM or the 30 ECTS that make up the semester. The duration of the stay would be 4-5 months.
- Mobility in semester 2B – For the realization of the TFM. The duration of the stay would be 3 to 5 months.
- In both cases you must apply during the months of October/November of the course prior to its completion. A call for applications is published with all the instructions for its application.
Promoe – For mobilities in universities in non-European Union countries.
- Mobility in semester 2A – In order to complete the 30 ECTS of the semester (18 ECTS electives + 12 of TFM). The duration of the stay would be 6 months.
- Only students who are graduates of a UPV degree can apply and must apply during the months of October-November of the academic year prior to its completion. A call for applications is published with all the application instructions.
Erasmus Internships– To work in a European company. Minimum stay of 2 months and maximum of 12 months (the sum of months in Erasmus Academic and Erasmus Internship cannot exceed 12 months).
- Europe finances up to 3 months and sometimes the company remunerates the student.
- You can apply as a student or as a Master’s graduate in the first year after graduation. The application must be made, in all cases, while you are a student; throughout the academic year and prior to the defense of the TFM. With good planning, the different mobility options can be combined.
Facilities and laboratories
The Alcoy Campus has 24 classrooms, all of which are in very good conditions for teaching: the furniture is adequate, the sound system is correct, as is the air conditioning. All are equipped with a computer connected to the Internet and a projector, projection screens and chalk and marker boards. In addition, there are 31 teaching laboratories and 10 computer rooms.
Master’s Thesis
The Master’s Final Project or TFM is an original work with a course load equivalent to 12 ECTS, which must be completed and defended in order to obtain the degree. It is advisable to register for the TFM in the second year of the Master.
In the TFM you will work and expand some of the specific competences related to engineering, processing and characterization of materials, or to any of the subjects you have taken. To define the TFM, you just need to contact a professor to present the proposal and start working on it.
To defend the TFM, you must have previously completed 78 ECTS between Compulsory subjects (42 ECTS) and Electives and/or Curricular Internships (36 ECTS). The first call is in February/March of the 2nd academic year, and the last call is in July/September of the same year. If you wish to know the deadlines and characteristics of the TFM calls, you can click on this link.
Collaborating companies
Collaboration agreements signed with the following companies:
- Ubitech Moldes y Modelos Industriales, S.L.
- Rafael Hinojosa, S.A.
- Textile Industry Research Association (AITEX)
- Joar S.L.
- Mediterranean Water Purification
- Plásticos Vicent SLU (Smurffit Kappa)
- Bornay Wind Turbines
- Cauchos Karey S.A.
- Alcoy City Council
- Toy Industry Research Association (AIJU)
- Flinsa