Official title

90 credits




Spanish – B1


UPV Alcoy Campus Site (Alicante)

In detail

Page content

Description of the title

The textile tradition of the Valencian Community, and specifically of its central regions, has led the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) to offer, among its range of degrees, studies related to textile engineering, always linked to the Polytechnic School of Alcoy.

The current Master’s Degree in Textile Engineering, with its renewed curriculum and the extensive participation in teaching of the Textile Technology Institute AITEX, has been taught at the Alcoy Campus of the UPV since the 2014/15 academic year. The current textile field requires trained people, with the ability to lead companies and research structures related to the sector, able to meet the challenges of new skills and enhance the development of new products to be competitive in the renewed textile market.

The Master is proposed as a degree with an academic orientation capable of responding to the future challenges that the sector demands, focused on the need to train university graduates who can maintain and enhance the international competitiveness of the Spanish textile industry, which must make a great effort to promote the development of new products and new textile processes, R+D+i activities, creation and promotion of quality brands, quality control of non-EU imports, production management, etc., requiring specialized professionals of the highest level.

Three centers of reference in the sector collaborate in the development of the master’s degree: the UPV, the Technological Institute of Textile (AITEX) and the Textile Association of the Valencian Community (ATEVAL). The available infrastructures and the strong relationship with the productive environment provided by these organizations make it possible to successfully address the proposed training.

At the same time, the Master’s Degree also aims to cover the scientific interests of textile engineering, training for research in this sector to maintain the competitiveness of the industry. This capacity of the degree will allow the generation of knowledge and will make possible the access of students to further doctoral studies. The way in which teaching has been structured and the resources we use allow the degree to be blended learning and facilitate access to professionals inserted in the labor market. Classroom teaching is given using e-learning tools, which allow for remote monitoring and participation in classes.

Objectives of the degree

Main objective

The main objective is to train professionals capable of providing optimal solutions in textile engineering processes.

General objectives

To obtain specialized products with high-tech materials and processes.

To provide scientific methodology and the ability to use research instruments.

Diversify the field of application of textiles to many more sectors.

Enhance scientific and methodological knowledge for the development and characterization of new materials.

Acquire a detailed vision of current issues in textile engineering.

Encourage the creation of textile companies.

Training in the management of R&D&I projects.

Career opportunities

The professional opportunities of this Master are diverse and cover multiple roles in the textile sector, allowing graduates to apply their knowledge in different areas of the labor market.

  • Textile Designer: Creation of new products and innovative textiles, working in collaboration with brands and companies in the sector.
  • Production Engineer: Optimization of manufacturing processes in textile mills, ensuring quality and efficiency.
  • Quality Manager: Supervision and quality control of textile products, ensuring that they comply with standards and regulations.
  • Research and Development: Participation in R&D projects to create new materials or improve existing processes.
  • Technical Consultant: Advice to companies on market trends, sustainability and new technologies in the textile field.
  • Sustainability Officer: Implementation of sustainable practices in textile production, working to reduce environmental impact.
  • Textile Applications Engineer: Development of specific applications for technical textiles, such as in the automotive, medical or construction sectors.
  • Sales and Marketing Manager: Promotion and sale of textile products, focusing on market needs.
  • Entrepreneurship: Creation of your own company or brand in the textile sector, taking advantage of current trends.
  • Educator or Trainer: Teaching textile engineering knowledge in universities or training centers.

Aimed primarily at

The entry profile according to the previous degree is as follows:

First-rate preferred qualifications:

  • Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering.
  • Degree in Chemical Engineering.
  • Degree in Mechanical Engineering.
  • Degree in Electrical Engineering.
  • Degree in Textile Technology and Design Engineering
  • Degree in Textile Design and Technology Engineering
  • Degree in Industrial Design Engineering
  • Degree in Mechanical Design Engineering
  • Degree in Industrial Chemical Engineering
  • Degree in Industrial Chemical Process Engineering
  • Degree in Materials Engineering
  • Degree in Industrial Organization Engineering.
  • Degree in Organizational Engineering
  • Degree in Industrial Technologies Engineering.
  • Degree in Industrial Technology Engineering
  • Degree in Engineering in Process and Product Innovation
  • Degree in Industrial Engineering
  • Materials Engineering
  • Industrial Organization Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Technical Industrial Engineering specializing in Textile, Industrial Chemistry, Mechanics, Electrical and Electronics.
  • Technical Engineering in Industrial Design.

Other qualifications:

  • Degree in Design
  • Degree in Fashion Design
  • Degree in Interior Design
  • Degree in Chemistry
  • Degree in Industrial Organization.
  • Degree in Environmental Sciences
  • Degree in Environmental Engineering
  • Degree in Biology
  • Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Sciences
  • Degree in Biology

Any other international degree equivalent in content to the above.

Structure of the master’s degree

Mandatory:60 ECTS |Electives:18 ECTS |External internships:0 ECTS |Final Master’s thesis (TFM):12 ECTS

Module 1. Compulsory Subjects :60 ECTS mandatory

Subject:Textile Chemical Materials and Processes
Minimum credits: 16.5 | Character: Mandatory

Subject:Sustainability in the Textile Industry
Minimum credits: 9 | Character: Compulsory

Subject:Physical Textile Processes
Minimum credits: 15 | Character: Compulsory

Subject:Textile Products Functionalities
Minimum credits: 10.5 | Character: Mandatory

Subject:Textile Product Characterization
Minimum credits: 9 | Character: Compulsory

Module 2. Elective Subject :18 ECTS electives

Minimum credits: 18 | Character: Elective

Note: In this subject a maximum of 9 ECTS can be carried out in external curricular internships (the syllabus contemplates a maximum of 9 ECTS for external curricular internships).

Module 3. Master’s Thesis :12 ECTS final degree project

Subject:Master’s Thesis
Minimum credits: 12 | Subject: Final Degree Project


The master’s degree presents the possibility of an internship in a company both as a curricular or extracurricular offering.

The collaboration of the external entities participating in the master’s degree (the Textile Technological Institute, AITEX, and the Textile Association of the Valencian Community, ATEVAL), makes it possible to enhance the offer of internships for students.

The purpose of the Educational Cooperation Programs (commonly known as Internships in Companies) is to allow students of the Alcoy Campus to spend time in a company or institution performing tasks related to their professional future.

Students who do internships in companies have the opportunity to learn to solve real problems by applying the knowledge acquired during their studies, to work in a business hierarchy, to work in teams, and to communicate with clients, suppliers, etc., thus having experiences of responsibility that provide them with a useful background for their future business performance.

For this reason, we encourage you to participate in this useful program to improve your chances of finding a job in the near future.

Research and access to Ph.

Meet the Doctorate Program in Textile Engineering

It is characterized by being focused on Textile Engineering. It is well known that in this field the development of new processes and materials requires an interdisciplinary vision.

Therefore, the main objective of the program is to train highly qualified researchers and professionals in the fields of Textile Engineering, Physical Chemistry, Industrial Engineering and Materials Science, focusing on the following training objectives, which are detailed below:

  • To train students in scientific theory and methodology.
  • To establish a global and detailed vision of current topics in the field of textile engineering, especially those that are basic for applied research in the textile sector.
  • To train students in the development and characterization of new multifunctional materials.
  • To train the student in the development of new methodologies and environmental control systems specially designed for the treatment of pollutants.
  • To promote scientific and methodological knowledge aimed at enabling the transition of current textile companies, among others, to new business models within the sector, new internationalization strategies and integrated actions with commercial distribution.
  • Training in the management of R&D&I projects.

For this purpose, the program has PhDs from different departments that cover the different research areas necessary to give the program its interdisciplinary character.

Academic exchange / agreements with other universities

In order to improve your resume, increase your skills and thus be better valued by employers, the Master offers you the possibility to spend time abroad through various international exchange programs.

The management of the mobility programs is carried out through the Office of International Exchange Programs (OPII) at the Alcoy Campuswhich gives general support to all the academic exchange management of the master’s program. .

It is necessary to be a student enrolled in the Master’s program and to have a B1 level of English to be eligible for these mobilities.

There are three possibilities:

Erasmus Academic – For mobilities in universities in European Union countries.

  • Mobility in semester 2A – In order to carry out the 18 ECTS of electives of the Master, the 12 ECTS of TFM or the 30 ECTS that make up the semester. The duration of the stay would be 4–5 months.
  • Mobility in semester 2B – For the realization of the TFM. The duration of the stay would be 3 to 5 months.
  • In both cases, you must apply during the months of October/November of the course before its completion. A call for applications is published with all the instructions for its application.

Promoe – For mobilities in universities in non-European Union countries.

  • Mobility in semester 2A – In order to complete the 30 ECTS of the semester (18 ECTS electives + 12 of TFM). The duration of the stay would be 6 months.
  • Only students who are graduates of a UPV degree can apply and must apply during the months of October-November of the academic year prior to its completion. A call for applications is published with all the application instructions.

Erasmus Internships – To work in a European company. Minimum stay of 2 months and a maximum of 12 months (the sum of months in Erasmus Academic and Erasmus Internship cannot exceed 12 months).

  • Europe finances up to 3 months, and sometimes the company remunerates the student.
  • You can apply as a student or as a Master’s graduate in the first year after graduation. The application must be made, in all cases, while you are a student; throughout the academic year and prior to the defense of the TFM. With good planning, the different mobility options can be combined.

Facilities and laboratories

EPSA Location

Campus, services and facilities

Master’s Thesis

The TFM is the final exercise performed by the students after passing the rest of the subjects of the degree to access the degree. As such an exercise, it includes and summarizes all the knowledge and skills of the degree to be evaluated in an integrated manner through its defense before a court.

The tutored development of the Master’s Thesis (TFM) will be original, applied or research, using the concepts and skills acquired, both general and specific.

The TFM must verify the acquisition by the student of the general and specific competences described in the objectives of the degree. If the TFM is carried out outside the university, it must be done under the supervision of the responsible faculty. The university will allow, if possible, to combine the realization of the TFM with supervised stays of the student in companies of the textile sector or in other user sectors of the same. They may also promote stays in universities or companies in other countries in combination with the completion of the TFM.

Collaborating companies

The main collaborating entities are:


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