Official title

90 credits




Spanish – B1


UPV Alcoy Campus Site (Alicante)


In order to improve your resume, increase your skills and thus be better valued by employers, the Master offers you the possibility to spend time abroad through various international exchange programs.

It is necessary to be a student enrolled in the Master’s program and to have a B1 level of English to be eligible for these mobilities.

There are three possibilities:

Erasmus Academic

For mobilities in universities in European Union countries.

  • Mobility in semester 2A – In order to carry out the 18 ECTS of electives of the Master, the 12 ECTS of TFM or the 30 ECTS that make up the semester. The duration of the stay would be 4-5 months.
  • Mobility in semester 2B – For the realization of the TFM. The duration of the stay would be 3 to 5 months.

In both cases you must apply during the months of October/November of the course prior to its completion. A call for applications is published with all the instructions for its application.

Responsible for the program at EPSA: David Gutiérrez (3rd floor Carbonell)


For mobilities in universities in non-European Union countries.

  • Mobility in semester 2A – In order to complete the 30 ECTS of the semester (18 ECTS electives + 12 of TFM). The duration of the stay would be 6 months.

Only students who are graduates of a UPV degree can apply and must apply during the months of October-November of the academic year prior to its completion. A call for applications is published with all the application instructions.

Responsible for the program at EPSA: David Gutiérrez (3rd floor Carbonell)

Erasmus Internships

To work in a European company. Minimum stay of 2 months and maximum of 12 months (the sum of months in Erasmus Academic and Erasmus Internship cannot exceed 12 months).

Europe finances up to 3 months and sometimes the company remunerates the student.

You can do them as a student or as a graduate of the Master’s program in the first year after graduation.

The application must be made, in all cases, while you are a student; throughout the academic year and prior to the defense of the TFM.

Responsible for the program at EPSA: Raquel Córcoles González (3rd floor Carbonell)

With good planning, the different mobility options can be combined.

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