Official title

90 credits




Spanish – B2


UPV Vera Campus Site (Valencia)

In detail

Page content

Description of the title

The Master’s Degree in Landscape and Urban Planning approaches its training contents from an integrated vision of urban planning and landscape. This option is fully endorsed by the recent evolution of both disciplines, characterized by a growing confluence and fusion between them: in today’s world, there is no urbanism without landscape, nor landscape without urbanism. Landscape architecture, from its traditional dimension associated with horticulture and gardening, has acquired an architectural-urban dimension, which places it within the sphere of design disciplines.

Current urban planning, for its part, has integrated landscape as a structural element in all instruments and at all scales, from the design of public space to the urban project, and from the urban project to urban and territorial planning, through the concept of Green Infrastructure. This fusion between urban planning and landscape, moreover, is already incorporated into urban planning regulations (in the Valencian Community, the Spatial Planning, Urban Planning and Landscape Law of 2021), as well as into the urban agendas derived from the SDGs.

Objectives of the degree

The Master’s Degree in Landscape and Urban Planning has a professional orientation. Its main objective is to provide students with specialized training in urban planning and landscape, which will enable them to perform tasks related to these disciplines.

Specialized training in urban planning and landscape is particularly relevant in relation to the challenges of today’s world, such as those associated with the climate crisis, social inequality, economic restructuring and the development of new technologies.

The specialized training proposed for the Master is aligned with the new strategies that have been launched at international, state, regional and local levels to respond to these challenges, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, and in particular SDG 11, Sustainable Cities and Communities, and the different Urban Agendas.

The Master’s Degree provides a specialized postgraduate program in line with these objectives, which enables the training of professionals qualified to face with technical solvency the challenges posed by the city, the territory and the landscape in today’s world, in an increasingly urban society.

Career opportunities

The Master’s Degree in Landscape and Urban Planning provides professional specialization in a field relevant to graduates in generalist enabling masters, such as the Master’s Degree in Architecture, and therefore complements this training, providing it with a double profile of qualification + specialization that improves the employment opportunities of graduates. In addition, the integrated vision of urban planning and landscape provided by the Master’s Degree has important advantages in relation to the professional opportunities for graduates, as it provides a broader and more versatile professional specialization profile.

The job profiles for which the master’s degree provides training are:

  • Technical manager of urban planning, landscape, territory and environment departments in public administrations.
  • Consultant in urban planning, landscape and land management.
  • Technician specialized in urban planning and landscape.
  • Project manager in the area of planning, territory and environment.
  • Urban and landscape planner in free professional practice.

Aimed primarily at

The master’s degree is preferably aimed at students with the following undergraduate degrees:

  • Degree in Architecture / Fundamentals of Architecture
  • Civil Engineering Degree
  • Degree in Landscape Architecture / Landscape Architecture
  • Degree in Technical Architecture
  • Degree in Geomatics Engineering and Surveying

Other undergraduate degrees with sufficient content in urban planning and landscape after their curriculum has been assessed by the Academic Committee of the master’s degree.

Students with Master’s degrees corresponding to the aforementioned degrees may also be admitted:

  • Master’s Degree in Architecture
  • Master’s Degree in Road, Canal and Port Engineering
  • Master’s Degree in Building

Structure of the master’s degree

Mandatory:81 ECTS |Electives:9 ECTS |External internships:0 ECTS |Final Master’s thesis (TFM):30 ECTS

Module 1. Knowledge of the landscape :22.5 compulsory ECTS

Subject:Environment and landscape
Minimum credits: 13.5 | Character: Mandatory

Subject:Landscape theory and history
Minimum credits: 9 | Character: Compulsory

Module 2. Instruments and techniques :18 ECTS mandatory

Subject:Landscape representation
Minimum credits: 9 | Character: Compulsory

Subject:Landscape technology
Minimum credits: 9 | Character: Compulsory

Module 3. Landscape design, planning and management :40.5 ECTS mandatory

Subject:Landscape project
Minimum credits: 18 | Character: Compulsory

Subject:Landscape planning
Minimum credits: 18 | Character: Compulsory

Subject:Landscape management
Minimum credits: 4.5 | Character: Mandatory


Subject:Landscape training complements
Minimum credits: 9 | Character: Elective

Note: In this subject a maximum of 4.5 ECTS can be taken in external curricular internships (the curriculum contemplates a maximum of 4.5 ECTS for external curricular internships).

Module 5. Master’s Thesis :30 ECTS final degree project

Subject:Master’s Thesis
Minimum credits: 30 | Subject: Final Degree Project


Enhance your professional future with external internships during the master’s program.

During your training in the master’s program, you will have the opportunity to carry out external internships that will bring you closer to the real environment of professional activity. These experiences can take place in leading companies in the sector or in institutions linked to Landscape and Urban Planning, giving you direct contact with the working world.

The ETSA’s Internship Unit will guide you through the entire process, from requirements to available offers.

By doing this internship, you can obtain up to 13.5 ECTS in the subject “Specific Electives”, thus adding an important academic value to your training. But, beyond the credits, the internships offer you much more:

  • Real work experience in a professional environment.
  • Development of key skills for the selection and job search processes.
  • A direct bridge to job opportunities at the end of your studies.

Research and access to Ph.

The research lines of the master’s program are focused on six main thematic areas:

  • Landscape and Environment.
  • Urbanism and Planning.
  • Technology and GIS.
  • Urban sustainability
  • Heritage, Landscape and Society
  • Innovation and New Technologies

This summary reflects the main research areas of the master’s program, highlighting both technical and social and environmental approaches that may be of interest to prospective students.

Academic exchange / agreements with other universities

ETSA has more than 130 active agreements with European and non-European Union schools, in addition to the UPV agreements managed by the OPII. The current ENHANCE partners have already shown their interest in including this master’s degree in Landscape and Urban Planning in their program, since it is precisely the area of Urban Planning that most interests them at the UPV.

The institutions of higher education with which exchange agreements of interest to the degree are maintained are:

  • Technical University of Graz
  • Fachhochschule-Studiengang Präzisions-, System- U
  • Academy for Radiological-Technical Radiological Service
  • University of Antwerp
  • Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
  • Technische Universität Berlin
  • Hafencity University Hamburg
  • Leibniz Universität Hannover
  • Technische Universität München
  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure D’Architecture De Montpellier-Ensam
  • Università Degli Studi Di Genova
  • Politecnico Di Milano
  • Norges Miljo-Og Biovitenskaplige Universitet
  • Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet Ntnu
  • University of Porto
  • Escola Superior Artística Do Porto
  • Politechnika Gdanska
  • Politechnika Warszawska

Facilities and laboratories

ETSA has teaching spaces in sufficient number and size to guarantee the organization of class schedules. These spaces are as follows:

  • 65 Classrooms, of different types and surfaces to meet the needs and demands of teaching. With adequate conditions for teaching in terms of furniture and equipment, sound, lighting and environmental comfort.
  • 6 Computer classrooms.
  • The Center has the following teaching laboratories:
  • Laboratory of Graphic Techniques and 3D Computer Graphics Models
  • Architectural Drawing Laboratory
  • Computerized Graphic Expression Laboratory
  • Architectural Physics Laboratory
  • Physics Extension Laboratory
  • Acoustics Laboratory
  • Construction Materials Laboratory
  • Mechanical test room
  • Concrete Testing Room
  • 6 Computer graphics laboratories

The Architectural Information Center (CIA) is an exclusive service of the School of Architecture to support teaching and research. It is also a space for group work.

Master’s Thesis

The Master’s thesis will consist of an original project, planning or management of urbanism and landscape, carried out and defended individually in a public act before a court, which synthesizes the knowledge and skills acquired in the master, developed in a professional format, in compliance with the applicable technical, urban-landscape and administrative regulations.

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