Official title

60 credits



English – B2


UPV Vera Campus Site (Valencia)

In detail

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Description of the title

The Master’s Degree in Quantum Information and Photonics will be obtained after the completion of 60 ECTS, with a duration of one year, and its teaching will be in English. This Master’s degree provides specialized and advanced training in Quantum Information and Photonics that enables students to join technological companies or companies belonging to the application sectors, as well as competitive research groups.

Objectives of the degree

To provide an updated knowledge of the field of Quantum Information and Photonics, as well as its main actors and professional opportunities.

To provide the theoretical and practical foundations necessary to understand Quantum Information Systems and Photonics.

To train professionals who know how to use quantum and photonic technologies in communications, information and computing applications.

To train specialists capable of developing new products and services based on the use and exploitation of new quantum and photonic technologies.

To introduce students to research topics that will allow them to contemplate the option of doing a doctoral thesis, both in the field of physics and in the various branches of engineering.

Career opportunities

The professional opportunities of this master’s degree include the possibility of channeling subsequent activity in both the business and academic fields.

  • Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector.
  • Quantum computing in risk calculation in the financial sector.
  • Logistics of large chains with great interest in the quantum revolution.
  • Pharmaceutical and biochemical industry.
  • Secure quantum communications networks.
  • Quantum metrology and sensing used by leading-edge technology companies.
  • Manufacture of optoelectronic devices and programmable photonic circuits.
  • Companies in the photonics sector for the next generation of computers, phones, wearables or automobiles.
  • Academic continuity in doctoral programs: Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science.

Aimed primarily at

TheDegree in Engineering Physics by the UPV is the official university degree that has been used as a reference in the design of the curriculum of the Master’s Degree in Quantum Information and Photonics, as it ensures the necessary skills to pursue the master’s degree as a natural continuation of studies.

  • Degree in Engineering Physics
  • Degree in Physical Sciences
  • Telecommunications Engineering Degrees
  • Degree in Computer Engineering

Structure of the master’s degree

Mandatory:30 ECTS |Electives / Externships:ECTS |Final Master’s thesis (TFM):ECTS

Module 1. Compulsory Training :ECTSmandatory

Subject:Solid State Physics
Minimum credits: 6 | Character: Mandatory

Subject:Quantum Photonics
Minimum credits: 6 | Character: Mandatory

Subject:Quantum Computing
Minimum credits: 6 | Character: Mandatory

Subject:Information Theory
Minimum credits: 3 | Character: Mandatory

Subject:Open Quantum Systems And Thermodynamics
Minimum credits: 3 | Character: Mandatory

Subject:Quantum Communications
Minimum credits: 3 | Character: Mandatory

Subject:Integrated Photonics
Minimum credits: 3 | Character: Mandatory

Module 2. Elective Courses and Externships :ECTSoptional

Subject:Elective Courses and Externships
Minimum credits: 18 | Character: Elective

Note: In this subject a maximum of 18 ECTS can be carried out in external curricular internships (The syllabus contemplates a maximum of 18 ECTS for external curricular internships).

Module 3. Master’s Thesis :12 ECTS final degree project

Subject:Master’s Thesis
Minimum credits: 12 | Character: Final Degree Project


According to the syllabus, the maximum number of credits for external curricular internships is 18 ECTS, which will correspond to the Elective subject.

Academic exchange

According to the syllabus, semester B of the international program of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación (UPV) can be carried out at the following destinations Erasmus.

Research and access to Ph.

The completion of this Master’s degree allows graduates to access PhD studies both in the field of physics and in the various branches of engineering.

Facilities and laboratories

The teaching resources of the School of Telecommunications Engineering are located in buildings 4D and 4P of the Vera Campus of the UPV.

Master’s Thesis

The Master’s Thesis, of 12 ECTS, includes the individual realization of an original exercise during the second four-month period, which the student will have to present and defend before a university tribunal, consisting of an applied project in the field of Quantum Information and Photonics in which the competences acquired in the degree are synthesized and integrated.

Collaborating companies

  • IBM
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