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Description of the title
According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), there are currently 440 nuclear reactors in operation around the world. In countries such as the United States, China, the United Kingdom, France, Japan or Brazil, new reactors are being built, while other reactors are in definitive shutdown, some of them have already been decommissioned, others are in process and others will be decommissioned in the future. Spain has different nuclear reactors, including reactors in operation, in definitive shutdown and in the process of decommissioning.
In addition to nuclear power plants and other nuclear fuel cycle facilities (nuclear facilities), there are more than a thousand radioactive facilities in operation in Spain, whether in the industrial sector, in medical applications, in teaching or in research. In this context, the monitoring of environmental and natural radioactivity plays an increasingly important social and environmental role. The special case of radon gas and the presence of NORM radioactive material in certain industries such as ceramics or the construction industry is particularly noteworthy.
In both nuclear and radioactive facilities, it must be ensured that their operation does not affect the health of people (facility workers and the general public), as well as avoiding any environmental alteration. In this context, studies aimed at monitoring and improving the nuclear safety and radiation protection of such facilities are of vital importance.
By pursuing this master’s degree, you will acquire knowledge, skills and abilities in various fields of nuclear safety and radiation protection, including medical, industrial, power generation, environmental and research applications. In addition, you will have the opportunity to get started in the research, development and innovation of nuclear engineering processes and methods, which will prepare you to work as a professional in this field. If you wish, you can continue with doctoral studies or pursue other specialized master’s degrees. Upon completion, you will be able to relate the theoretical and practical contents of the master’s degree to economic, social and environmental aspects, linking them to some of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the framework of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.
Objectives of the degree

The main objective of the Master’s Degree in Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection is for students to acquire capabilities and skills in the field of nuclear safety and radiation protection. Nuclear safety aims to reduce the probability of an accident occurring and mitigate its consequences.

On the other hand, radiation protection is a set of multidisciplinary activities, of a scientific and technical nature, whose purpose is to protect people and the environment against the harmful effects that may result from exposure to ionizing radiation.
Career opportunities
The labor field is quite broad, offering the possibility of developing the following:
- Operate/supervise radioactive and nuclear facilities.
- Companies and public institutions of the nuclear industry (CSN, CIEMAT, ENUSA, ENRESA, etc.).
- Medical and industrial applications.
- Dismantling of nuclear and radioactive facilities.
- Radioactive waste management.
- Environmental applications (natural radioactivity, environmental radioactivity, radon, …)
- Research.
- Teaching.
Aimed primarily at
This master’s degree is specially designed for those who have a university degree in specific areas of engineering and science.
- University graduates in Engineering: Industrial Technologies, Materials, Energy, Chemistry, Mechanics, Electricity, Electronics.
- University graduates in Physical Sciences and Chemical Sciences.
- Graduates in Engineering (Industrial, Chemical, Mechanical, Materials, Electrical and Electronic), according to the previous regulations of University Academic Organization.
- Graduates in Physical Sciences and Chemical Sciences, according to the previous University Academic Regulations.
Structure of the master’s degree
Credits: 60 ECTS
Mandatory:43.5 ECTS |Electives:4,5 ECTS |External internships:0 ECTS |Final Master’s thesis (TFM):12 ECTS
Module 1. Fundamentals and methods :19.5 ECTS mandatory
Subject:Fundamentals of Nuclear Energy and Radiation Protection
Minimum credits: 10.5 | Character: Mandatory
Subject:Fundamentals and methods in Nuclear Safety
Minimum credits: 9 | Character: Compulsory
Module 2. Specific training :24 ECTS mandatory
Subject:Specific Training in Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection
Minimum credits: 24 | Character: Compulsory
Module 3. Electives :4,5 ECTS electives
Subject:Elective in Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection
Minimum credits: 4.5 | Character: Elective
Note: In this subject a maximum of 4.5 ECTS can be taken in external curricular internships (the curriculum contemplates a maximum of 4.5 ECTS for external curricular internships).
Module 4. Master’s Thesis :12 ECTS final degree project
Subject:Master’s Thesis
Minimum credits: 12 | Subject: Final Degree Project
All students have the possibility of carrying out curricular and extracurricular internships in one of the many private and public companies, public administrations, technological institutes, consultancies and engineering firms with which the School has signed agreements. Often, in addition to completing their training, students can carry out their Master’s Thesis.
Curricular internships can be carried out in companies that are equivalent to 4.5 ECTS credits (maximum of 112.5 hours) and can have a duration of up to 600 hours.
We recommend that you consult the offers in the Integrated Employment Service (SIE) for more information.
In all internships it is mandatory that the student has a tutor in the company and another one at the University. In this way, through the monitoring of the student by the tutor at the University, links are established between both tutors (University and Company) which are an interesting channel of communication so that, through it, an adequate feedback is given to improve the graduation profile.
You can also request information by accessing the website of the ETSII’s Business Subdirectorate
Research and access to Ph.
The UPV offers a wide range of doctoral programs and classified in different fields of research. We encourage you to visit the website to learn more about it: Doctoral School.
Facilities and laboratories
The Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering (DIQN) has three laboratories that can be used to teach experimental content of the different subjects of the Master:

Nuclear Technology Laboratory
Practices related to nuclear physics and radiation detection and measurement.

Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Technology Laboratory
Practices related to physics, nuclear technology and radiological protection

Isotope Handling Laboratory
Practices related to the handling of radioactive sources and radiological protection
In addition, the Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering has a complete inventory of equipment for laboratory practices.
The Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering is supported by the UPV Radiation Service, which includes the Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory.

Master’s Thesis
The TFM will consist of the completion of an original work or project in the field of master’s studies in which knowledge, skills and competencies acquired by the student throughout his or her studies are evidenced.
This work is the last step to completing the Master’s studies. For its elaboration, a significant part of the knowledge acquired during the studies must be used and general and transversal competences very useful for the practice of the profession must be worked on.
More detailed information about the process and each of the steps to be taken can be found on the ETSII website (Regulations and recommendations; Choice and assignment of TFM; Calendar for the Defenses; Evaluation Process; etc.).
Academic exchange / agreements with other universities
You will be able to do your TFM at other universities. Check all the options in the International Area of the ETSII. Visit the website of the International Relations Office where you will find all the necessary information.