Official title

60 credits



Spanish – B2


UPV Vera Campus Site (Valencia)

In detail

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Description of the title

Digital media have become the main marketing, communication and sales channels for companies. The profile of a professional who masters digital communication (strategy, content, etc.) is one of the most demanded both by startups that are beginning their journey in the digital world and by companies that want to digitize their business structure. For this reason, recent graduates and professionals who wish to recycle themselves are looking for masters and postgraduate courses that offer them this knowledge.

The Master’s Degree in Social Media and Corporate Communication represents a unique opportunity to train in these aspects. This Master will contribute to create professionals in the field of corporate communication with specialized knowledge and adapted to the digital and technological context, as required by the present and future labor market.

Objectives of the degree

General Objective

The objective of the Master’s Degree in Social Media and Corporate Communication is to offer students a complete training to develop a communication strategy in the company/organization. This general objective is broken down into the following specific objectives:

Specific objectives

Understand and implement the fundamentals of corporate communication.

Collect and analyze relevant information from the digital environment and audience for decision making.

Develop a digital communication plan, using the most appropriate channels and content according to the audience.

To train students in relevant technologies for a better development of their profession.

Career opportunities

The “Master’s Degree in Social Media Strategy and Corporate Communication (MUSMCC)” contributes to create professionals in the field of corporate communication with specialized knowledge and adapted to the digital and technological context, as required by the present and future labor market.

The following are some of the roles to be covered by the MUSMCC graduate:

  • Communication manager or marketing and communication manager
  • Account Management
  • Press Office
  • Social Media Strategist
  • Social Media Marketing Manager
  • Content and Social Media Analyst
  • Community Manager
  • Transmedia content creator
  • Designer of informative visual narratives
  • Online content creator
  • Research in corporate communication and advertising
  • Commercial management specialized in audiovisual technologies
  • Management of audiovisual companies
  • Entrepreneur of new media and multimedia projects

Aimed primarily at

The profile of the students to whom the Master is addressed is that of graduates in various areas related to the social sciences, as well as some technological areas.

  • Business Administration and Management
  • Management and Public Administration
  • Audiovisual Communication
  • Journalism
  • Tourism
  • Advertising and Public Relations

The Academic Committee of the Master’s Degree may consider other degrees from the social sciences, as well as from the technological field, which do not require complementary training to access the proposed degree.

Structure of the master’s degree

Mandatory:36 ECTS |Electives:12 ECTS |External internships:0 ECTS |Final Master’s thesis (TFM):12 ECTS

Module 1. Business and communication :9 ECTS mandatory

Subject:Corporate communication and business models
Minimum credits: 9 | Character: Compulsory

Module 2. Digital strategy :15 ECTS mandatory

Subject:Digital marketing and communication strategy
Minimum credits: 6 | Character: Compulsory

Subject:Storytelling and digital branding
Minimum credits: 9 | Character: Compulsory

Module 3. Analysis and visualization :6 ECTS mandatory

Subject:Digital audience and data visualization
Minimum credits: 6 | Character: Compulsory

Module 4. Specialization workshops :12 ECTS electives

Subject:Techniques and technologies for digital strategy
Minimum credits: 7.5 | Character: Elective
Note: In this subject a maximum of 7.5 ECTS can be taken in external curricular internships (the syllabus contemplates a maximum of 12 ECTS for external curricular internships).

Subject:Business intelligence and analytics
Minimum credits: 4.5 | Character: Elective
Note: In this subject a maximum of 4.5 ECTS can be taken in external curricular internships (the curriculum contemplates a maximum of 12 ECTS for external curricular internships).

Module 5. Transversal projects :6 ECTS mandatory

Minimum credits: 6 | Character: Compulsory

Module 6. Master’s Thesis :12 ECTS final degree project

Subject:Master’s Thesis
Minimum credits: 12 | Subject: Final Degree Project


In the Faculty of Business Administration and the Master’s Degree in Social Media and Corporate Communication we are aware that internships in companies are very beneficial for the future employability of our students, so we make every effort to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to carry them out during their studies.

During your studies, you can carry out external internships to bring your training closer to the reality of professional activity. These internships can be carried out both in companies in the sector and in institutions related to the field of corporate communication and digital marketing. All internships are remunerated with a minimum of 300 euros per month, for 4 hours of work per day.

Internships can be either curricular or extracurricular and can be done from the beginning of the studies, without the need to have passed a minimum number of credits.


They are included in the Syllabus in the Practicum Module. The subject, which is optional, has a maximum of 12 ECTS.


These are internships that students may perform on a voluntary basis during their training period and, although they have the same purposes as the curricular internships, they are not part of the Study Plan.

Students wishing to do an internship in a company must register in the SIE curriculum database ( UPV Integrated Employment Service) and participate in the selection processes that are open. It is also possible for a student to find an internship by his or her own means. For more information, please visit FADE’s website on internships.

Research and access to Ph.

More information about “Research and PhD access”.

Academic exchange / agreements with other universities

The international dimension of the company has an unquestionable importance for its development and expansion. For this reason, one of our Faculty’s priorities is to offer its students the possibility of acquiring the international experience through the academic exchange and internships.

Our International Office is responsible for the management of the programs Erasmus+(study stays in Europe) and Promoe (study stays outside Europe). You can participate in these programs in the 3rd and 4th year of the ADE and GAP degree, in the 4th year of the ADE-Teleco double degree, and in the 3rd and 4th year of the ADE-Inf double degree, as long as you meet the established requirements. If you are a student of one of our Masters, you can also participate in the academic exchange.

Study stays can be for a semester or a full academic year. You can apply for a stay in two annual calls of each program (Erasmus+ and Promoe) during the academic year before the one you want to do it. If you are interested in pursuing an international double degree, you can choose between Finland, France and the Czech Republic.

You can find the complete list of the destinations of our academic exchange programs on this website. For doubts and questions, please send an email to

Master’s Thesis

Consult all the regulations regarding the Master’s Thesis

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