Bounsel, a software company based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the automated creation and management of contracts, and Transkiptorium, a spin-off company for the transcription of ancient manuscripts through AI and machine learning, are the big winners of the XIII IDEAS UPV Awards, a competition that recognised last night the best projects supported by IDEAS, the entrepreneurship area of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV).
Born in the aforementioned ecosystem and belonging to the StartUPV acceleration and incubation program, Bounsel is the winner of the Avanza category, which recognises commercial companies, self-employed workers or cooperatives with economic activity and set up before 31 December 2019. Their first prize also includes a financial endowment of 6,000 euros.
For its part, Transkiptorium has won in the Spin-off category, intended for spin-off companies made up of UPV staff who take advantage of the research work carried out at the university itself. Their first prize is endowed with 5,000 euros.
In the 'Lean' category, intended for commercial companies, self-employed workers or cooperatives with economic activity and established from 1 January 2020, the first prize, with a financial endowment of 4,000 euros, has gone to AjaxDNA, a company of fast, efficient and profitable solutions for biotechnological developments.
Likewise, Llum Social, a project to support homeless people through an application with information on shelters, soup kitchens and solidarity shops, has been awarded the Women Entrepreneur award, endowed with a prize of 3,000 euros and awarded to companies founded or co-founded by women, where the participation of women from the UPV (students or graduates) is greater than or equal to 50% of the share capital, and/or in which the leadership of the company is held by a woman from the UPV (student or graduate) who is a partner in the company.
The second prize in the Avanza category has been for Alvatec, a company dedicated to the development of modern engineering projects with a focus on automation, home automation, electrical, electronic and security systems. In contrast, the Spin-off prize has recognised Artikode Intelligence, a company that develops innovative models based on AI for the analysis and agile visualisation of high-resolution images.
The financial endowments of the above awards include 4,000 and 3,000 euros, respectively.
As for the Lean category, the podium is completed by Tweenvest, an analysis platform for investors that has obtained the second prize, endowed with 3,000 euros, and ImpactE, a company specialised in computer services, AI programming and data analysis applied to decision-making in the field of energy efficiency, recognised with the third prize and 2,000 euros of endowment.
IDEAS UPV, which has distributed a total of 30,000 euros in prizes in this 18th edition of the contest, is a pioneering entrepreneurship area in the Spanish university ecosystem. Created in 1992 to promote the creation of companies by students, staff and graduates of the UPV, to date, it has favoured the start-up of more than 1,000 companies and projects.
Carlos Ayats Pérez / UPV Communication Area
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