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Master's Degree in Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Associated Technologies Vera (València) Campus, Universitat Politècnica de València

Master's Degree in Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Associated Technologies

90 credits


0 openings


History is marked by technological events and technical inventions that have changed the course and future of today's society and therefore the need to configure professionals capable of making the most of each discovery and development. For this reason, the appearance of this type of technology shapes and opens the way to the training needs of those technicians and professionals who seek to apply this technological paradigm in their workflows.

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) technology is of military origin and has been developing for a century. These systems are present in a wide variety of versions, as they are operated for a wide variety of functions. At the beginning of this millennium, this technology was transferred to the civil sector and since then its evolution has been exponential, with even greater expectations for the future. Advances in the design, construction and propulsion of aircraft, their systems and on-board sensors mean that drones can be used in practically all sectors of industry and society (land management, agriculture, industrial and energy inspections, graphic journalism, logistics, security and emergencies...).


The degree aims to train students in the multidisciplinary skills and competences necessary to tackle specialised engineering actions and tasks related to the development of unmanned aircraft, systems and sensors, as well as the use and applications and airspace management of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS).

The objective of the Master's Degree is to provide students with highly specialised training in the field of drones in all their present and future components and applications. In this way, the student will be trained in the following specialities:

  • Design, construction, maintenance and systems of UAS aircraft.
  • UAS propulsion systems, thrust and energy sources.
  • Flight operations, control and guidance, training in national and European directives on the use of UAS, operational safety and certification.
  • Airspace management, U-space with its systems, services and applications.
  • Georeferencing systems, navigation systems, data acquisition, processing and analysis and their integration into geospatial information systems.
  • UAS applications in the field of engineering (Geomatics, Agronomy, Civil, Industrial, Aerospace, Telecommunications, Architecture...).
  • Air Mobility with its systems, services and applications.

Professional opportunities

The Master's Degree qualifies the professional body for the following activities, so the professional opportunities are related to these activities.

Within the regulated professional activity of Aerospace Engineering, access to the following competences applied to UAS is enabled.

  • Developing operation plans and their navigation.
  • Study and make compatible the development of missions with drones.
  • Design drones according to their requirement or mission and develop maintenance, safety and certification plans.
  • Manage airspace safely on the regulation of traffic and its limits, as well as its compatibility with aerial activities in an urban, suburban or airport environment.
  • Planning and management of air routes associated with unmanned vehicles.
  • Develop and apply the knowledge acquired for the integration of urban and non-urban aerial mobility.
  • Comply with the requirements of the aeronautical authority and analyse different situations according to the possible scenarios of applicability of unmanned aircraft.

Within the regulated professional activity of Geomatics engineering, access to the following competences applied to UAS is enabled:

  • Integrating the applications of unmanned aircraft and their sensors, associated with the aerial work that can be carried out with this type of platform.
  • Carrying out aerial data acquisition work with unmanned aircraft in accordance with existing regulations, processing and analysing them and applying them in the field of Geomatics.

Within the regulated professional activity of Agronomic Engineering, access to the following competences applied to UAS is enabled:

  • Integrating the applications of unmanned aircraft and their sensors, associated with the aerial work that can be carried out with this type of platform.
  • Carrying out aerial data acquisition work with unmanned aircraft in accordance with existing regulations, the processing and analysis thereof and their application in the field of agronomy.

There will also be multiple professional opportunities related to the recently created field of drones, for which profiles such as the one developed in this Master's Degree are in great demand.

Aimed at

Aerospace, Mechanical, Electronic, Electrical, Geomatics, Agricultural, Civil, Telecommunications, Architectural and related engineers.

Structure of the master's degree


Module 1: Design, Construction, Flight Operations and Airworthiness (30 cr.):

Module 1a (15cr): Design, Mission and Airworthiness.

  • Subject: Aircraft, Systems and Propulsion (9 cr.)
  • Subject: Design, Manufacture and Maintenance (6)

Module 1b (15cr): Flight Operations

  • Subject: Standards and Regulation (3)
  • Subject: Procedures, Operational Safety and Certification (9)
  • Subject: Airspace Management (UTM, U-space) (3)

Module 2: Systems and Applications (30 cr):

Module 2a (18cr): 'Core' knowledge in UAS applications.

  • Subject: Geospatial Systems (4.5)
  • Subject: Information Processing and Analysis (7.5)
  • Subject: Applications (Geomatics, Agronomy, Industrial, Territorial Management...) (6)

Module 2b (6 cr): U-space: Systems, Services and Applications

Module 2c (6 cr): Air Mobility: Systems, Services and Applications

Module 3: Electives and Master's Final Project (30 cr.):

  • Master's Final Project (12cr)
  • Valid credits (18cr) in one of the following options:
  • Exchange programmes
  • Collaborations with Technology Centres
  • Work placements in companies in the sector
  • Aeronautical Engineering Master's Degree Electives

Admission criteria

The reference degree is the Degree in Aerospace Engineering and related subjects (Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering, Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Degree in Electrical Engineering and Degree in Electronic, Industrial and Automatic Engineering) and then all those engineering degrees in which the student has acquired results and competences at level zero in computer-aided design, in geospatial information management, in sensorisation, in telecommunication, which will allow access to engineering degrees in Geomatics, Agronomy, Civil Engineering, Telecommunications and Architecture or similar, as long as they carry out the following training complements of the degree in Aerospace Engineering:

  • Aerospace Technology (code 11888). 4,5 credits.
  • Transport, Navigation and Air Traffic (code 11891). 4,5 credits.
  • Aircraft Calculation (code 11900). 6 credits.

Likewise, graduates with degrees equivalent to those indicated in the previous paragraph from any Spanish university will be admitted without additional training.

Graduates in technical engineering from the previous regulation must obtain, through the route established for adaptation, the corresponding degree.

Likewise, there is recognition of credits from the UPV's Own Degree: Master's Degree in Unmanned Aircraft Systems. The maximum number of credits recognised will be 13.5 ECTS.

On Site / On line (%)

On Site

Participants in the master's degree

  • Dept. of Communications
  • Dept. of Computer Systems and Computing Informatics
  • Dept. of Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry
  • Dept. of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
  • Dept. of Thermal Engines and Machines
  • Other departments

Collaborating entities

There is the support of the Regulatory Authorities of the sector at national level, such as the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC), the State Aviation Safety Agency (AESA) and the service provider at national level and the one in charge of airspace management and its coordination, ENAIRE. It will also be supported by AEMET, which is interested in capturing improved predictive models thanks to the possible management of the use of UAS.

Likewise, it has the support of the related professional associations, such as the Official College of Aeronautical Engineers of Spain (COIAE), the Official College of Geomatics Engineering and Topography of Spain (COIGT), the Official College of Agricultural Engineers of the Centre and the Canary Islands (COIACC) and the Official College of Agricultural Technical Engineers of the Centre (COITAC).

As for companies, there are international companies in the sector such as Airbus, GMV, INDRA, SPIRENT, Altran and Avinci, as well as systems and avionics companies (Abionica, Aertec, Embetion), manufacturers (EHANG, UAV works, Quaternium), service operators (General Drones, Aerocámaras, Aeromedia, ASD drones, AsDron... ) and infrastructure generation companies (Globalvia, Ferrovial, Urjato and Helitécnica).

The external collaborations of all of them will be carried out so that students can carry out internships in companies, as well as participate in training in specialised seminars and specific conferences on the integration of the sector in the industrial fabric, which will be held periodically as the Master's degree progresses.

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