The Universitat Politčcnica de Valčncia (UPV) is the Spanish university with the greatest social and economic impact, and one of the top 100 in the world in this respect. Such are the conclusions of the 2021 THE University Impact Rankings, which is the 3rd edition of the ranking prepared by Times Higher Education (THE).
The ranking classifies higher education institutions based on their commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), an initiative promoted by the United Nations (UN) in 2015.
The 2021 THE University Impact Rankings rank the institution led by Francisco Mora in 83rd position globally, in the top 100 worldwide in regard to 6 SDGs, and among the top 25 universities worldwide in 3 SDGs.
The ranking, which in this edition has analysed 1115 universities from all over the world, ranks the UPV 12th as regards SDG number 7, "clean and affordable energy"; 20th in SDG 12, "responsible production and consumption"; and 22nd in SDG 13, "climate action".
Likewise, the 2021 THE University Impact Rankings place the Valencian institution as the 36th most outstanding university regarding SDG 8, "decent work and economic growth"; the 71st in SDG 14, "underwater life"; and the 75th in SDG 9, "industry, innovation and infrastructure".
In addition to the 6 already mentioned, the UPV can be found among the top 200 universities in the world in respect to 4 more goals: SDG 2, "zero hunger"; SDG 6, "clean water and sanitation"; SDG 15, "life on land"; and SDG 17, "partnership for the goals".
The 17 SDGs were officially formulated on 25 September 2015, when the UN adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which includes 17 global goals aiming to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity. Each of them comprises specific targets to be achieved during the next 15 years.
In addition to recognising the UPV as the best Spanish university in the global ranking, the 2021 THE University Impact Rankings also place it as the best university in Spain in both SDG 9, "industry, innovation and infrastructure", and SDG 12, "responsible production and consumption".
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