The Universitat Politècnica de València has won the Good Practices Prize organised by the University Information and Guidance Services (UIGS) of the Spanish universities for the third consecutive year. In 2022, the TikTok channel was awarded. A year later, it was the Comprehensive Student Support Plan (PIAE+). And on this occasion, the award went to Magistrales UPV, an initiative of the Communication Area (ACOM).
The award was presented on Friday, 19 April, during the XXIV Annual Meeting of the UIGS, held in Teruel. And a few weeks later, a representation of ACOM met with the Rector José E. Capilla to explain the project. In the photo, from left to right, Amparo Fortich, journalist, and Ángela Argilés, Head of Section, together with Capilla.
The jury highlighted the "originality, viability and innovation" of Magistrales UPV. Magistrales is an initiative of UPV that recognises an entire profession: secondary school teaching.
The mechanics is simple: first-year students are invited to select the secondary school teachers who impressed them with their exceptional skills, their dedication, their mastery of their subject, their patience, their commitment and their ability to motivate them. The 25 people with the highest number of votes are selected.
A public event is then prepared: the 25 Magistrales, their families, the management team of the centre where they work, the students who elected them and the university community in general are brought together. The Rector of the UPV presides over the ceremony in which each Magistral takes the stage to collect the framed diploma that accredits them as one of the best teachers in the Valencian Community. Simple but very moving.
Six editions of Magistrales have already been held, and the seventh will take place on Thursday, 16 May. In total, the UPV now has a network of more than 200 Magistrales, spread across 150 public, private and state-subsidised centres in the Valencia region.
UIGS is a network that gathers information and guidance professionals from 42 Spanish universities. In 2024, the Call for Good Practices has celebrated its 10th edition, with a record number of proposals submitted. The Universitat Politècnica de València is the only university with a triple crown in this competition.
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